Conferences, announcements

Please find below information on the conferences organized by other UW units or other institutions, the announcements of which were sent to the Doctoral School of Humanities.
Notice! The announcements are posted below only for information purposes – the Doctoral School of Humanities is not responsible for the content of the announcements. Potential questions and registration forms should be sent to the organizers of particular events.
- Tracing Forms of De/Marginalization
organizer: Junker, Acke, Bonacchi,Seiler Brylla, Warnke
dates: 22-24 June 2023, TU Dresden
more information: LINK
- Attitudes and Practices of CARE in Central and Eastern Europe in the 21st Century
organizer: The Institute of Western and Southern Slavonic Studies, University of Warsaw and New Bulgarian University
dates: 15 May 2023
more information: LINK
- TYGIEL 2023 „Interdisciplinarity – the key to development”
organizer: Tygiel Foundation
dates: 23-26 March 2023, Lublin/online
more information: LINK
International Baltic Forum for PhD Students of Archaeology
organizer: University of Szczecin
dedline: 30 October 2022
more information: LINK
- Conference – 200th anniversary of birth of Louis Pasteur
organizer: West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin
dedline: 15 September 2022
more information: LINK
- Conference “Conducting social research online and offline: opportunities, risks and challenges”
organizer: SGH Warsaw School of Economics
deadline: 20 September 2022
application form: LINK
more information: LINK
- Conference “Wokół teorii wiersza: ostatnie stulecie w badaniach wersologicznych“
organizer: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN in Cracow, University of Warsaw
deadline: 31 January 2023
application form: LINK
more information (PL): LINK
- Doctoral Conference “Historical Research Perspectives””
organizer: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza in Poznan
deadline: 30 September 2022
more information (PL): LINK
- Conference “Social experience of a pandemic in the perspective of qualitative research”
organizer: IFiS PAN
deadline: 15 July 2022
more information (PL): LINK
- Hybrid Conference for Young Scientists
deadline: 30 June 2022
more information: LINK
- “War Testimonies” Seminar
organizer: IFiS PAN
dates: 22 June 2022, 5 PM
more information: LINK
- II Open meeting of the Management Board of KRD
organizer: Krajowa Reprezentacja Doktorantów
dates: 24-26 June 2022, Białystok
application form: LINK
- GEOP: Interdisciplinary Research Workshops 2023
organizer: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
deadline: 31 October 2022
more information: LINK
- Summer School 2022
organizer: 4EU+
dates: 27.06-01.07.2022
registration for,: LINK
more information: LINK
- Seminar “Changing Nature of Work and Social Policy”
organizer: Doctoral School SGH
dates: 30 May 2022, 5:10
link (MS Teams): LINK
- Conference: “Creation narratives – artists’ stories. Towards a history of creation”
organizer: Pracownia Badań nad Procesem Twórczym Wydziału Polonistyki UJ
deadline: 15 June 2022
more information (pl): LINK
- Questionnaire: Research on conflict management strategies at work, employee creativity and professional satisfaction of working students
organizer: Uniwersytet Kentucky (USA) / Uniwersytet Warszawski
form: LINK
- Course Academic Research Made Easy
organizer: Center For American Studies
term: 3-4 June 2022
more information: LINK
- Call for papers – „Zoon Politikon” journal
organizer: “Zoon Politikon”, Collegium Civitas
deadline: 30 September 2022
more information: LINK
- R&D Postdoctoral Challenge
organizer: AstraZeneca Pharma Polska sp. z o. o.
more information: LINK
- MA-PhD Seminar „Di-Segno Nero”
organizer: 4EU+
dates of meetings: 9, 17, 23 and 27 May, 6:30 PM (online)
more information: LINK
- Conference on Educational and Research Infrastructure Collaboration in European University Alliances
organizer: 4EU+
term: 8 June 2022
more information: LINK
- Poster Session
organizer: X edition of the National Conference of Young Scientists
deadline: 27 May 2022
more information (pl): LINK
Seminar in the series “Local, Regional, National and Transnational: Four Views on Social Change and Social Order”
organizer: Zakład Socjologii Teoretycznej i Zespół Badań nad Zmianą Społeczną i Tradycją IFiS PAN
term: 9 May 2022
link to ZOOM available after writing to:
more information (pl): LINK
- Conference “Between East and West, between North and South”
organizer: The Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw
deadline: 6 May 2022
application: LINK
more information: LINK
- Course Academic Research Made Easy
organizer: Center For American Studies
deadline: 26 May 2022
more infromation: LINK
- Graduate seminar „Continuity and Contact: Language and Material Culture at the Roots of European Diversity”
organizer: 4EU+, Heidelberg University
deadline: 15 May 2022
more information: LINK
- Conference „The Spectre Haunting Academia: Understanding the Role of Academia in the Rise of the Far Right”
organizer: 4EU+, Heidelberg University
deadline: 30 April 2022
więcej informacji: LINK
- 5th edition of the prof. Roman Czernecki award for authors writing about education
organizer: Edukacyjna Fundacja im. Romana Czerneckiego
deadline: 30 June 2022
more information (pl): LINK
- Open scientific seminar in memory of Łukasz Kądziela
organizer: Faculty of History UW
term: 12 May 2022, 1:15 PM, The Columned Hall, Faculty of History UW
more information (pl): LINK
- Conference “Akme of the seventies”
organizer: 20th and 21st Century Literature Department of the Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw, “Wizje” Magazine
deadline: 30 June 2022
more information (pl): LINK
- Conference “The Image of Central and Eastern Europe”
organizer: Doctoral School of the University of Szczecin
deadline: 25 April 2022
more information:
- Conference “Between the social sciences and the humanities – interdisciplinary discourses”
organizer: Doctoral School of Social Sciences, UMCS Lublin
deadline: 5 May 2022
more information (pl): LINK
- International conference “The legacy of Bronisław Malinowski in present-day social sciences and humanities. On the Centenary of the Publication of Argonauts of the Western Pacific“
organizer: Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow
deadline: 30 April 2022
more information: LINK
- International Multidisciplinary Conference MKDUS 2.0
organizer: University of Szczecin
deadline: 15 May 2022
more information (pl): LINK
- Call for papers for “Cultural Tourism”
organizer: Poznańskie Centrum Dziedzictwa
topic of the issue: “Intangible heritage and tourism”
deadline: 15 April 2022
more information (pl): LINK
- International Scientific Conference “10 years of the Polish Digital Library”
organizer: Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies and Polskie Towarzystwo Bibliologiczne Oddział Warszawski
deadline: 10 July 2022
more information (pl): LINK
- Call for papers for academic journal
organizer: University of Lodz, “Zagadn ienia Rodzajów Literackich”
topic of the issue: “Culture-forming potential of the discourse about the family”
deadline: 30 April 2022
more information: LINK
- LGBTQI+ Academy
organizer: Center For American Studies
date: 2-3, 9-10 April 2022
more information: LINK
- Brepols Publishers – Erasmus+ programme (traineeship)
organizer: Brepols Publishing Services, Thessaloniki, Greece
more information: LINK; LINK
- IV Forum Młodych Badaczy Historii Miast
organizer: Faculty of History, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
date: 22 June 2022
application deadline: 30 March 2022
more information: LINK
- Interdisciplinary Online Ph.D. Conference | 4EU+ Plurality of Memories
organizer: Center for French Culture and Francophone Studies, UW
date: 18-20 May 2022
more information: LINK
- International scientific conference “Janusz Korczak contemporarily in culture and education”
organizer: Siedlce University of Sciences and Humanities
date: 28 April 2022
more information: LINK
- Conference “The Russianness: longing for self-identity”
organizer: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
date: 20-21 September 2022
more information: LINK
- Conference “Things that have a right to exist. Around the Diary of Stanisław Brzozowski”
organizer: Department of the History of Polish Philosophy, UW
date: 9 April 2022
more information: LINK
- Young Linguists’ Conference ATENA
organizer: Research Center for Applied Linguistics POLIGLOCI and the Department of Applied Linguistics, – University of Rzeszów
date: 26 April 2022
more information: LINK
- Competition – A complex programme of support for UW PhD students
organizer: IDUB UW
application terms: 01.02.2022 – 01.03.2022
more information: LINK
- 7. Winter Methodological Workshops
organizer: Polish Political Science Association and Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń – Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies
date: 16-17.02.2022
more information: LINK
- Lecture: prof. Tomasz Kizwalter: „Polish road to modernity – ordinary or exceptional?”
organizer: Joseph Conrad Fellowship
date: 12 January 2022, at 6 p.m.
address: „Marzyciele i Rzemieślnicy. Dom Innowacji Społecznych”, Dom Towarowy Braci Jabłkowskich (3rd fl.), 25 Bracka Street, Warsaw
more information: LINK
- Competition: Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – 3rd edition, track “A”
oragnizer: IDUB UW
application terms: 20.12.2021 – 04.02.2022
more information: LINK
- International Conference VII Winter Methodological School (on-line)
organizer: Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies Nicolaus Copernicus University
date: 16-17.02.2022
more information: LINK
- Second International Scientific and Art Conference Contemporary Themes in Education (STOO 2)
organizer: The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
date: LINK
more information: LINK
- Spring Academy 2022- Ph.D. Conference on American Studies
organizer: The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA)
more information: LINK
- Special Collections 3.0 – Hinc Omnia 2021 conference
organizer: BUW
more information: LINK
- „History of European cooperation since 1919: research skills for junior researchers“ – course
organizer: 4EU+
contact: dr hab. Dobrochna Kałwa, Wydział Historii UW:
more information: LINK
- HCA Spring Academy
organizer: Heidelberg Center for American Studies
deadline: 15.11.2021
more information: LINK
- GEOP Doctoral Seminar 2021/2022
organizer: POLIN Museum
deadline: 30.09.2021
registration: LINK
more information: LINK
- Invitation to contribute to the seventh volume of CURRENTS
organizer: The Academic Association for Doctoral Students of English at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
deadline for articles: 15.10.2021
more information: LINK; LINK
- Conference on the life and work of Leo Lipski
organizer: Faculty of Polish Studies UW
date: 25–26.11.2021, online
deadline: 15.09.2021;
more information: LINK
- II edition “Nauka jest dla ludzi”
organizer: Center for Cooperation and Dialogue UW
deadline: 30 June 2021
registration: LINK
more information: LINK
- Virtual ASC seminar with prof. Stefan “Steve” Rabitsch
Stefan “Steve” Rabitsch [University of Graz/University of Warsaw] – “Chewing on Big Rock Candy Mountain: Reading and understanding the “real” American West in two essays”
organizer: American Studies Center UW
date: Thursday 24 June 2021, 4 PM
more information: LINK
- Doctoral Summer School “The Psycholinguistics of Multilingualism”
organizer: Faculty of Modern Languages
date: 01-17.09.2021
place: Faculty of Modern Languages, Dobra 55, Warsaw (50 h) and online (18 h).
language: English
registration: LINK (till 24 June 2021)
more information: LINK, LINK (program in English)
Doctoral Summer School „Methods of new rhetoric in interdisciplinary research”
organizer: Faculty of Polish Studies UW
date: 21-23.06; 28-30.06 and 13-17.09.2021
registration: 26.05.-7.06.2021 r., LINK
more information: LINK
Online meeting on legalisation of stay in Poland
organizer: Welcome Point UW
date: 9 June 2021, 3 PM (meeting in English), 11 June 2021, 3 PM (meeting in Polish)
registration: LINK
more information: LINK
- Virtual ICM seminar with prof. David Winkler
David Winkler [Monash University, Australia] – “Computational insights into the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and repurposing of drugs for COVID-19”
organizer: Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling UW
date: 27 May, 2021, 9:00 AM
language: English
registration: LINK
more information: LINK
- “People in Motion” Training School
organizer: COST Action “People in Motion” (PIMo)
date: 1-4 September 2021
project manager: prof. Marta Bucholc, Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw:
organizer: Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling UW
date: 22 April 2021
- PCMA Scholarship 2021/2022 for research in Egypt
organizer: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
date: 30 April 2021
- Ph.D. Conference 4EU+ Pluralities of Memory: “The Past in the Present: the Dynamics of Remembrance”
organizer: Centre for French Culture and Francophone Studies University of Warsaw
date: 15-16 April 2021
LINK (eng)
- Call for application – year-long fellowships for 2nd year and above PhD students
organizer: Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES)
date: 31 March 2021
LINK (eng)
LINK (fr)
- Young Linguists’ Conference ATENA
organizer: Research Center for Applied Linguistics POLIGLOCI and the Department of Applied Linguistics, – University of Rzeszów
date: 21 April 2021