Recruitment 2020/2021

List of accepted candidates 2020/2021
Recruitment for research projects2
Recruitment for research projects1
Information for coordinators of research projects
Registration of candidates to the Doctoral School for 2020/2021 has ended.
Template of supervisor’s statement
IRK registration instruction – instruction
Declaration of the delivery of the diploma at a later date – declaration form
Declaration about the command of English to the extent enabling the education in the school – declaration
Selection teams in the academic year 2020/2021 – Selection teams
General information
Education at Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences includes courses in the form of specialization and monographic lectures, workshops, seminars, two-day symposiums as well as courses and trainings to improve the skills of doctoral students in teaching. Some courses are interdisciplinary. The program of studies at SDNSP is individualized. The selection of classes is chosen in cooperation with a supervisor. During education at SDNSP, doctoral students can ask for co-financing in prestigious international conferences and workshops and summer schools. Courses take place on the Ochota campus with modern laboratories responding to the needs and challenges of the 21st century. (more information)
In SDNSP some courses are interdisciplinary. They are centrally organized by the School . PhD students from all disciplines attend them at the same time.
Some courses are . specialization courses. They are carried out within a given discipline and serve to improve the skills of doctoral students in the area of their individual PhD projects (more information)
The school recruits in the following disciplines:
Astronomy – admission limit 5
Mathematics and computer sciences – admission limit 22;
Biological Sciences – admission limit 17;
Chemical Sciences – admission limit 18;
Physical Sciences – admission limit 27;
Earth and Environmental Sciences – admission limit 11.
Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
ul. Żwirki i Wigury 93, p. 3061, 02-089 Warsaw
e-mail to Recruitment Coordinator:
e-mail to School
Recruitment Coordinator and Selection teams
On 5 May 2020 the Head of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences appointed members of the selection teams for the purposes of carrying out the selection process and selecting candidates recommended to be admitted to the School.
Recruitment coordinator for SDNSP in the academic year 2020/2021 is mgr Damian Połomski
Recruitment schedule
Registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK for admission to the Doctoral School: from 5th of May to 28th of June 2020, [instruction]
Recruitment procedure:
qualification procedure, the interview schedule is published 7 days before : 1-14 July, 2020.,
announcement of the ranking list: until 17 July 2020
accepting documents from qualified candidates: 17 July – 18 September, 2020,
announcement of the list of accepted candidates: 21 September 2020.
Warning! Due to the epidemiological situation the above schedule may be subject to change. The relevant information will be posted on the website and IRK.
More informations: Rector’s resolution
Required documents
The candidate shall submit the application for admission to the School only in IRK. It shall include:
the application for admission to the School stating the discipline in which the candidate plans to pursue education;
scan of a diploma of completion of the long-cycle Master’s degree programme or second-cycle programme or an equivalent diploma obtained under separate regulations or –in the case of candidates pursuing education within the European Higher Education Areas –a declaration that the diploma or certificate of obtaining a Master’s degree shall be provided by 18 September 2020 – declaration form
a description of the initial research project proposal in English, which comprises no more than 6,000 characters including spaces; the description shall contain the bibliography that is not included in the character limit; you can upload a file
a resumé or curriculum vitae containing information about scientific activities, including scientific interests and scientific achievements during five calendar years preceding the submission of the application;
scans of materials confirming scientific activities referred to in the resumé or CV
a document confirming the command of English at least at B2 level or declaration about the command of English to the extent enabling the education in the school – declaration;
a scan of the declaration of the supervisor candidate about their willingness to be the candidate’s supervisor and the number of doctoral students, for whom them are appointed as the supervisor; supervisor’s statement
one photograph of the candidate’s face, allowing their identification
declaration whether the candidate is or was a doctoral student or participant of doctoral studies, and if yes – title of doctoral dissertation or the research project prepared by the candidate, as well as first name and surname of the academic tutor or the supervisor
declaration on familiarising themselves with the content of the Resolution, as well as Article 40 and Article 41 of the Code of Administrative Procedure;
contact details of two persons, who agreed to send letters of recommendation for the candidate:
– for astronomy,
– for biological sciences,
– for chemical sciences,
– for physical sciences,
– for mathematics and computer sciences
– for Earth and Environmental Sciences
If no letters of recommendation are received, this shall not mean that the application for admission to the school is incomplete; however letters can be taken into account when evaluating the candidate’s scientific potential;
scans of transcripts of records of the first and second cycle programmes, the long-cycle Master’s degree programme or equivalent documents (e.g. diploma supplement);
abstract of the master’s thesis or draft master’s thesis in English (up to 3,000 characters with spaces)
Form of the selection process and the number of points that can be obtained
One stage procedure
Maximum number of points that can be obtained in the selection procedure – 100 points
Evaluation criteria and method:
. Preliminary evaluation of the research project proposal (maximum number of points – 5)
The following shall be taken into account in the preliminary evaluation of the research project proposal:
– possibility to implement the project taking into account documented skills of the candidate;
– scientific weight of the project;
– expected value added for the scientific environment in the particular discipline..
Scientific activity of the candidate (maximum number of points – 15)
:When evaluating scientific activity, the following elements, confirmed with scans, shall be taken into account: – scientific publications (a scan of the title page required; in the case of multi-author achievements, the percentage share of the candidate in the achievement must be defined);
– confirmed participation in student competitions;
– confirmed participation in research projects (a scan of the certificate issued by the project manager is required);
– ) paper presentations or seminar and conference messages (a scan of the paper presentation confirmation is required);;
– documented research internships;
– achievements within activities of scientific societies (a scan of the certificate signed by a chairperson of the society is required).
Qualification examination (maximum number of points – 40)
Checking the candidate’s knowledge and skills in the discipline in writing (chemical and physical sciences, and mathematical sciences and computer science) or oral form (astronomy, biological sciences and Earth and environmental sciences).
In justified instances (e.g. where the candidate stays abroad), based on the written request of the candidate addressed to the chairperson of the selection team appointed for the particular discipline, the written examination may be replaced with the oral examination carried out remotely, using generally available online tools.
Interview (maximum number of points – 40)
The interview shall involve the evaluation of the candidate’s scientific potential. The interview may comprise the following elements:
– discussion of the candidate’s master’s thesis (understanding of the subject, research hypotheses, its implementation, obtained results and conclusions);
– questions about the scientific achievements and about the course of the first and second cycle programmes or the long-cycle Master’s degree programme, including subjects related to the doctoral dissertation;
– questions pertaining to information included in letters of recommendations, including nature and results of cooperation of the candidate with authors of these letters;
– questions pertaining to the doctoral project and other information included in the documentation submitted by the candidate.
The interview shall be carried out in Polish or English – in accordance with the candidate’s preferences presented in IRK. If the Polish language is selected, the interview may include parts in English.
Condition of admission to the School
Obtaining at least 50 points in the whole selection process in total.
Recruitment to the Doctoral School at University of Warsaw should start by finding a supervisor who declares to be designated as a supervisor to the candidate and his research project. The name of the supervisor and his declaration should be submitted on IRK.
To find a supervisor, we encourage to familiarize with our browser available on this website. It contains a list of research scientists at the University of Warsaw who want to be a supervisor.
We also encourage you to check the websites of University of Warsaw where you can find information about academic teachers who realize their research there.
During the four years of study, each PhD student receives a scholarship in the amount of PLN 2371.70 for the first two years of studies (before the mid-term evaluation) and PLN 3653.70 in the next two years after the mid-term evaluation. Supplement for people with disabilities: PLN 711.51.
Compulsory insurance is deducted from the scholarship amount and it’s reduced (by 11%)
Warning! These rates may change if the Ministry of Science and Higher Education will decide to announce a new base rate.
Useful websites:
resolution no 500 of the Senat of the University of Warsaw on the rules of recruitment for Doctoral Schools – (amendment 1) (amendment 2) (amendment 3) (amendments are in Polish)