Seminarium Szkoła Mistrzów 07.12.2022 g.15:00

W środę 07 grudnia 2022 o godz. 15:00 odbędzie się kolejne spotkanie w ramach seminarium Szkoła Mistrzów.
Gościć będziemy dr Klarę Kemp-Welch.
Klara Kemp-Welch is a Reader in 20th Century Modernism at The Courtauld Institute of Art in London. She is the author of Antipolitics in Central European Art 1956-1989 (London: IB Tauris, 2014), Networking the Bloc: Experimental Art in Eastern Europe 1968-1981 (Cambridge Massachusetts and London, England: MIT Press, 2018), and co-editor of A Reader in East-Central-European Modernism 1918-1956 (London: Courtauld Books Online, 2019). She is currently working on a new monograph: Free Movement. Contemporary Art, Migration and Mobility in Eastern Europe.
Tytuł i abstrakt:
Human Rights as a Critical Framework
This seminar introduces debates around human rights as a critical framework within cultural studies today. The focus will be on intersections between contemporary art, the history of documentary practice, and human rights. We will also consider broader questions around the ‘right to rights’ and the ethics of cultural production and criticism in relation to the global turn and moves to decolonise the humanities.