Recruitment 2021/2022

It is worth starting the recruitment process to a doctoral school at the University of Warsaw by finding a supervisor, who will be willing to provide care for the doctoral student and perform scientific supervision over their research project. The name of the supervisor and the scan of their declaration about their willingness to be the candidate’s supervisor shall be submitted in IRK. In order to find a supervisor, candidates for the Doctoral Schools are encouraged to search through the database of supervisors available here. The database contains the list of University of Warsaw researchers, who are willing to perform the function of the dissertation supervisor. Please note that not all potential supervisors are on the list. The candidates are also encouraged to consult the websites of the University of Warsaw faculties and academic units for the information on academic teachers conducting their research.
Academic disciplines under the admissions procedure and the limit of places:
1) astronomy – limit of 5 places
2) mathematics and computer sciences – limit of 22 places
3) biological sciences – limit of 17 places
4) chemical sciences – limit of 18 places
5) physical sciences – limit of 27 places
6) Earth and related environmental sciences – limit of 11 places
Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
93 Żwirki i Wigury Street, room 3061, 02-089 Warsaw
E-mail for candidates:
The candidate shall submit the application for admission to the School only in the system
of Internet Recruitment of Candidates (IRK)
Registration will be open from 5 May 2021 to 28 June 2021
Admission fee: 150 PLN
IRK registration instruction – instruction
We greatly encourage you to see the recruitment guides for each discipline. The documents contain incl. the scope of the qualification examination. See more information.
Ranking list – recruitment 2021/2022
- Recruitment schedule
- Supervisor
- Required documents
- Template of the supervisor’s statement
- Form of the selection process and the number of points that can be obtained
- Condition of admission to the School
- Scholarship
- Recruitment Legislation and Acts to Know
- Qualification teams
Admissions exceeding the limits – by recognition
Admisiossions exceeding the limits pursuant to § 20 sec. 2 (3) of the resolution no. 17 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of 20 January 2021 on rules of admission to doctoral schools at the University of Warsaw (consolidated text: the University of Warsaw Monitor of 2021, item 142). See more information.
Beyond-the-limit recruitment – joint competition
We publish here the competition notices which aim to admission of candidates for research project and the Doctoral School (beyond the limit for each discipline). See more information.
Beyond-the-limit recruitment – additional competitions
We publish here the competition notices of additional competition to the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences. See more information.
Information for research project managers
O the next website we present procedures which are necessary to admit a PhD student (scholarship holder in the research project) beyond the set limit. The information is available only for employees of the UW and IM PAN. To obtain a password, please contact the recruitment coordinator ( More information.