Ranking lists – Recruitment 2023/2024

We announces ranking lists in the recruitment process for the Doctoral School of Humanities for the 2022/2023 academic year:
- archaeology; update 28.08.23; update 11.09.23; update 22.09.23, update 30.09.23
- philosophy; update 28.08.23; update 11.09.23; update 22.09.23, update 30.09.23
- history; update 28.08.23; update 11.09.23; update 22.09.23, update 30.09.23, update 28.12.23 update 18.01.24
- linguistics; update 28.08.23; update 22.09.23, update 30.09.23
- literary studies; update 28.08.23; update 11.09.23; update 22.09.23, update 30.09.23
- culture and religion studies; update 28.08.23; update 11.09.23; update 22.09.23, update 30.09.23
- arts studies; update 28.08.23; update 11.09.23; update 22.09.23, update 30.09.23
Submission of documents by the accepted persons: 16th August – 20th September 2023.
In accordance with the recruitment schedule the following documents shall be submitted by the candidates recommended to be admitted to the School by September 20, 2023:
– the original document entitling them to take up education in the School or an official copy thereof (e.g. diploma of completion of the second-cycle programme). In case the diploma was issued in a language other than Polish or English, the candidate shall attach its certified translation.
– the following documents printed out from the account in the IRK system (You can download the templates of documents from the ‘Enrollment application’ tab – ‘Documents and further steps’):
a) a declaration concerning undertaking education in the Doctoral School;
b) an application for admission to the Doctoral School;
c) personal data processing declaration for educational purposes.
The documents should be submitted:
Doctoral School of Humanities Secretary’s Office
ul. Dobra 56/66, premises no. 0.108
00-312 Warszawa
Opening hours: In order to make an appointment at the Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office and submit the documents the candidates recommended to be admitted to the School are requested to use the booking calendar [LINK]
Candidates recommended for admission to the SDNH, who wish to apply for a place in a dormitory are kindly asked to submit the above documents to the SDNH Secretariat by 25.08.2023.
More information about applying for a place in a dormitory: [LINK]
Should you have any questions please contact: rekrutacja.nh@uw.edu.pl