3rd year – information about courses

During the 3rd year PhD students are obliged to realize:
ADDITIONAL CLASSES (monographic/specialisation lectures) – p. IV of the Programme of Study
PhD students are obliged to realize the classes till the end of 3rd year. The amount of hours is different and specific for each discipline according to the Programme of Study.
The classes are organised at faculties. PhD students should register for them following the rules set at the faculties. In many cases PhD students can register via USOS on their own. If it is not possible though, it is necessary to register for them by submitting an application according to the rules introduced by a faculty. The applications must be signed by a supervisor/coordinator of discipline before. The School cannot register for courses orgnised by faculties. More information here: https://szkolydoktorskie.uw.edu.pl/en/methodological-classes/
RESEARCH SEMINAR II (60hrs obligatory till the end of 4th year)
PhD students attend seminars at their faculty or in an external institution. They choose a seminar together with the supervisor. Seminars are not led by the School. To register for them you should follow the registration’s rules set by a specific faculty (registration via USOS is not always possible). More information here: https://szkolydoktorskie.uw.edu.pl/en/research-seminars/
Phd students realize their teaching practice in the amount of hours specific for their discipline which is introduced in the Programme of Study. To get a credit for the course, you have to contact coordinator of practice.
3rd year’s PhD students who did not get credits for the 1st or 2nd year’s obligatory courses, but have the acceptance of the Director to catch up with them on the 3rd year, must contact the School’s office to inform which courses they want to take part in (via email: szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl)
The registration is planned from 27th September 2021, 20.01 to 11th October 2021, 23.59 and concerns in general the 1st or 2nd year’s PhD students. It will be opended in the USOS system: https://usosweb.uw.edu.pl