1st year – information about classes

[entry is being updated]
The first year is the time when obligatory courses, predicted by the Programme of Study, are organised.
Below you can find a list of the planned courses for the 1st year students. Dates and localizations are just approximate for now, which is why we suggest that you check the website regularly and follow any changes which will be published here.
Courses organized by the school:
The course is divided into two parts – 15h of lecture (part A) i 5h of workshop (part B). Both parts are obligatory.
The lectures will be held in two language versions – in Polish and in English. They will be realized in an asynchronous form on the Nearpod platform, and the students will be able to play them at the convenient time. The lecture will become available in October. The registration will start on the 2nd October and will remain open until the end of the month.
The workshops will be organized with division into groups and held in the form of online meetings. To attend workshops, you will be required to register for them via USOSweb, which lets you choose a convenient group. Several groups will be dedicated to English-speaking students. While registering, you can check the dates of meetings. The workshops will start in the end of November, so that everyone can get accustomed to the lectures’ content beforehand. The registration will open on the 16th October.
Gr 2, dr Marcin Chrzanowski, 21.11, 10:30 – 14:15
Gr 6, dr Marcin Chrzanowski, 05.12, 10:30 – 14:15
Gr 7, mgr Agnieszka Suszczyńska, 05.12, 14:30 – 18:15
Gr 8, dr Marcin Chrzanowski, 05.12, 14:30 – 18:15
Gr 9, dr Monika Klejman, 20.11, 10:30 – 14:15
Gr 10, dr Monika Klejman, 27.11, 10:30 – 14:15
Gr 11, dr Monika Klejman, 04.12, 10:30 – 14:15
COPYRIGHT – summer semester
The new programme of studies predicts 4 academic hours for getting accustomed to the copyright laws. The classes will be held by dr hab. Wojciech Machała (Faculty of Law and Administration) and will take place in March 2024, 9:00 – 10:30 AM on Fridays, in stationary form. For both groups (Polish speaking one and English speaking one) there are two meetings planned.
A series of lectures devoted to broadening the cognitive perspective of doctoral students in the field of scientific research and highlighting the most important achievements of various scientific disciplines. Each of the seven disciplines of the School presents the latest and most important discoveries of this discipline for 90 minutes. More details soon.
Date: Wednesdays, 13:15-15:00
Place: Faculty of Physics, room 0.03
06.03.2024 Computer Science
13.03.2024 Astronomy
03.04.2024 Physics
10.04.2024 Chemistry
17.04.2024 Biology
08.05.2024 Mathematics
15.05.2024 Earth Science (Geology)
A series of workshops familiarizing PhD students with the fundamental skills necessary to work in the scientific world, such as issues related to ethics, knowledge transfer, commercialization of research, obtaining grants or public speaking. The coordinator of the course is prof. Piotr Wasylczyk. Workshops will be held in groups divided by disciplines and you will be registered for them by the school office. The course will last for 13 weeks in total.
Below are the dates of classes for each group:
10.00-11.30 – group 4 – physical sciences I + astronomy (Faculty of Physics, room 0.03a)
15.00-16.30 – group 6 – mathematics and computer science (Faculty of Physics, room 1.02)
9.00-10.30 – group 1 – Earth and environmental sciences (Faculty of Physics, room B.2.38)
11.00-12.30 – th. 2 – biological sciences (Faculty of Biology, room 2A)
11.00-12.30 – gr. 3 – chemical sciences (Faculty of Physics, room 0.03)
14.00-15.30 – gr. 5 – physical sciences II (Faculty of Physics, room 0.03a)
Courses that take place at the faculties:
Seminars should be chosen at your faculty or in an external institution. The choice of the seminar should be discussed with your supervisor. Seminars are not organized by the Doctoral School. You should register for them while following the rules established at faculties (it it sometimes not possible to register via USOS). In each year of studies you must complete 30 hours of seminars.
Based on your grade for the external/faculty seminar you will receive a credit for Research Seminar. To get such credit, you should be registered for the course named as mentioned. The course Research Seminar I is in fact an empty course which is only used to confirm the fact you got credits for a chosen seminar. A person responsible for giving credits for Research Seminar I is a proper coordinator of discipline. You can find your respective coordinator here: https://szkolydoktorskie.uw.edu.pl/en/research-seminars-new-programme/.
To get a credit from the coordinator, you have to provide him/her with transcript of records downloaded from your personal USOS account, or with an external seminar card, which is available on the school’s website (this option applies to external seminars without the USOS code). You will be registered for the Research Seminar I by the school’s office.
Teaching practice should be done in the number of hours predicted by the Programme of Study (the number of hours differs for each discipline and for each year of education). To get a credit for them, you should contact a proper practice coordinator, whose name you can find here:
Teaching practice does not apply to the 1st year’s PhD students of the biological and Earth and environmental sciences who start their practice from the 2nd year.
The lecture presents key issues in the discipline in an in-depth and extensive manner, and its aim is to support doctoral students in their scientific development. Each of the disciplines (except physical sciences and computer science) offers 3 or 4 lectures of 30 hours each during the first three years of education. In the case of the physical sciences, one of the lectures (from the Graduate Advanced Physics cycle) is 60 hours long, with 30 hours of exercises. In the discipline of computer science, 30-hour lectures and 10-hour lectures as part of PhD open courses will be offered. Lectures are held regardless of the number of doctoral students enrolled in them. They are credited on the basis of the exam. Each doctoral student must complete 90 hours of lectures in the period of semesters I-VI. Information about the available lectures can be obtained from the corresponding faculty. More information in the programme of studies.
List of available lectures: Discipline Lecture – Szkoły Doktorskie UW
Monographic lecture(s) to be chosen from the list of lectures offered by the faculties. They do not have to meet the requirement of the PQF level 8, but are important in order to achieve relevant scientific competence in the discipline. Selection in consultation with the supervisor. The required load of the monograph lectures is 30 hours.
For the discipline of chemical sciences, the Faculty Seminar is a distinctive element of education found in a large proportion of chemistry research units in Poland and around the world. Attendance in 15 hours of lecures throughout the education cycle is required.