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Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences

Discipline Lecture


  1. Advanced Graduate Lecture on Gravitational Microlensing


  1. Principles and methods of taxonomy, prof. Krzysztof Spalik (Mondays 16:00-17:30, room 401A).
  2. Origins of Biodiversity: an introduction to evolutionary paleobiology, dr hab. Kenneth De Baets (lecture– Tuesdays 10:30 – 12:00, room 2A; workshops – Tuesdays 13:00 – 14:30, room 1.126 at CNBCh).
  3. Urban Ecology, prof. dr hab. Marta Szulkin (September 2024)


  1. Main Directions of Development of Theoretical Chemistry
  2. Main Directions of Development of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry
  3. Main Directions of Development of Physical Chemistry
  4. Main Directions of Development of Organic Chemistry


(90 hours consisting of 30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of exercises for this lecture and 30 hours of lecture, prepared especially for PhD students)

The selection of classes is made from the list below:

1. Advanced Graduate Quantum Mechanics (K.Byczuk)
2. Advanced Graduate Optics (M.Trippenbach)
3. Advanced Graduate Molecular Quantum Mechanics (B.Lesyng)
4. Advanced Graduate Nuclear Physics (A.Korgul)
5. Advance Graduate Group Theory” (A.Szereszewski)
6. Advanced Graduate Statistical Physics (M.Lisicki)

Each of the above courses consists of 30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of appropriate accounting exercises.
(courses 4, 5 and 6 will be available from 2024/25)

The doctoral student chooses one of the courses from the list (30h + 30h) and one of the lectures from the list (30h),
which gives a total of 90 hours.

Each class from the Graduate Advanced Physics (GAP) list covers a wide range of issues in a given field/topic and is intended to expand general knowledge at the doctoral level and inspire continuous deepening of it. These are lectures with accounting exercises (30h+30h), ending with an exam. They do not have to be/are not intended to be strictly tailored to a specific doctoral project – this is the role of monographic classes.

Note: Only courses from the above list can be included in the “disciplinary lecture” category.


COMPUTER SCIENCE – PhD Open (phdopen.mimuw.edu.pl)

Winter semester

Kunal Dutta, Selected Topics in Computational Geometry and Topology
Mikołaj Bojańczyk, Languages, automata and computations II

Summer semester

Bartosz Wilczyński, Introduction to computational biology
Łukasz Kowalik, Marcin Mucha, Convex optimization
Piotr Skowron, Computational social choice theory
Aleksy Schubert, Deciding logical properties of statements and its complexity


Winter semester

1000-1M10AF Analiza Fouriera
1000-1M10AH2 Analiza harmoniczna II
1000-1M23EK Ekwiwalentne kohomologie w geometrii algebraicznej
1000-1M07ET Elementy teorii kategorii
1000-1M23FS Funkcje specjalne
1000-1M23GK Grafy kwantowe
1000-1M23OTE Optymalny transport w równaniach ewolucyjnych
1000-1M23PMP Probabilistyczne i grafowe modele przyczynowosci
1000-1M19RHG Równania hydrodynamiki w zagadnieniach geofizyki
1000-1M23TOS Teoria sterowania stochastycznego
1000-1M09WNN Wstęp do neurodynamiki i neuroinformatyki

Summer semester

1000-1M23TMW Geometryczna teoria miary i zagadnienia wariacyjne
000-1M23ITM Ideały miary i kategorii
1000-1M23KMO Kategorie modelowe
1000-1M20KNW Kwantowe niezmienniki węzłów
1000-1M23LNT L^2-niezmienniki w topologii
1000-1M23MAM M’AI: Agent Models
1000-1M23MWR Metody wariacyjne w równaniach różniczkowych cząstkowych
1000-1M17NGW Nierówności w geometrii wypukłej



  1. Charakterystyka wybranych skał zbiornikowych dla węglowodorów w Polsce – praktikum, 30 h
    Lecturer: dr Małgorzata Kozłowska
  2. Metodologia badań osadów klastycznych – lecture, 30 h
    Lecturers: Prof. dr hab. Barbara Woronko (coordinator), dr hab. Marcin Szymanek, prof.
    ucz., dr Aleksandra Majecka, prof. dr hab. Jan Dzierżek
  3. Zmiany klimatu w najmłodszej historii Ziemi – lecture, 30 h (online)
    Lecturers: dr Aleksandra Majecka (coordinator), dr hab. Marcin Szymanek, prof. ucz, prof.
    dr hab. Jan Dzierżek
  4. GIS w naukach o Ziemi – praktikum, 30 h
    Lecturer, coordinator: dr Łukasz Bujak
  5. Własności magnetyczne skał – wykład dla doktorantów
    Lecturer: dr Maciej Łoziński