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Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych

Seminarium Szkoła Mistrzów 18.05.2022 g.15:00

W środę 18 maja 2022 o godz. 15:00 odbędzie się kolejne spotkanie w ramach seminarium Szkoła Mistrzów.

Gościć będziemy profesora Corneliusa Holtorfa.

Professor Cornelius Holtorf
is a Professor of Archaeology at Linnaeus University and Director of the Graduate School in Contract Archaeology (GRASCA).
Since 2017 he has been holding a UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures at Linnaeus University.
In 1998 Professor Cornelius Holtorf gained his PhD and was subsequently employed in research and teaching at the University of Gothenburg (1998-1999), the University of Cambridge (1999-2002), the Swedish National Heritage Board in Stockholm (2002-2004) and the University of Lund (2005-2008).
Professor Cornelius Holtorf  reads prehistoric archaeology, social anthropology and physical anthropology in Germany, England and Wales.
Towards an Archaeology of the Future
Although archaeology is conventionally understood as the study of the past, in this lecture I present an outline for an archaeology of the future: Why is it needed? What does it involve? What can it achieve? My presentation is also an account of innovation in the humanities and a call for emerging researchers to think creatively and overcome existing boundaries to reinvent the world they inherited.