Supervisors – I year

First year doctoral students, who would like to have appointed as their dissertation supervisor a person other than the person specified as the intended dissertation supervisor in the application for admission to the School, should submit an application for appointing a dissertation supervisor (FORM). Please remember that a justification shall be also enclosed together with the declaration of the person proposed as the additional dissertation supervisor on their readiness to assist the doctoral student. Notice! In the above mentioned situation you should request the appointment of the supervisor and not the change of the supervisor.
In accordance with the Rules of the Doctoral School we kindly remind you that if the application for appointing a dissertation supervisor is not submitted within one month of the date of starting education, it shall be concluded that the doctoral student applies for appointing the person specified as the intended dissertation supervisor in the application for admission to the School as the dissertation supervisor.
If you plan to request the appointment of an additional dissertation supervisor, a justification shall be enclosed together with the declaration of the person proposed as the additional dissertation supervisor on their readiness to assist the doctoral student. The request should be supported by your supervisor (FORM).
If you plan to request the appointment of an assistant dissertation supervisor, a justification shall be enclosed together with the declaration of the person proposed as the assistant dissertation supervisor on their readiness to assist the doctoral student. The request should be supported by your supervisor (FORM).
No later than within three months of the start of the education process by the doctoral student, the Council of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences shall appoint a dissertation supervisor or supervisors.
Notice! The dissertation supervisor can be changed and the assistant/additional dissertation supervisor may be appointed or changed at the request of the doctoral student also during the education process. Please consult the Rules of the Doctoral School.
You should submit the applications (if you decide to request the appointment/change of the supervisor) until 2.11.2020. The document should be signed, scanned and sent via email to the email address of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences (
General information on supervisors:
- The dissertation supervisor can be a person with the habilitation (doktor habilitowany) or the professor title, standing out for recognized national or international scientific achievements, in particular, a person, who in the period of five years prior to appointment as the dissertation supervisor manager research projects, published the results of his/her own research in peer-reviewed journals and with recognised scientific publishing houses or cooperated with representatives of other scientific centres.
- The assistant dissertation supervisor can be a person holding the doctor degree.
- The dissertation supervisor cannot be a person, who remains a dissertation supervisor for more than five doctoral students or persons applying for being awarded the doctor degree; in exceptional instances, the Director may increase this limit by one person.