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Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences


Should you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Office of Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
CENT Building
ul. Stefana Banacha 2c, 02-097 Warszawa,
room no. 00.05 and 00.06 on the ground floor, next to the Welcome Point.

Office hours at CENT are Monday to Thursday 10-14, preferably  by appointment. Please contact us also by e-mail or telephone (10-14).

E-mail: szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl
E-mail (recruitment process): rekrutacja.nsp@uw.edu.pl

Council of PhD Students of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences

Procedure for the award of a doctoral degree:

We would like to inform you that in case you wish to obtain information regarding:

you should contact directly Scientific Councils Office [LINK]

Doctoral Issues in the Student Welfare and Support Office (BPM):

We would like to inform you that in case you wish to obtain information regarding:

you should contact directly the Student Welfare and Support Office

e-mail: bpm@uw.edu.pl     website: LINK