Social welfare benefits
Added 2021-01-13
Doctoral Students of doctoral schools may apply for various social welfare benefits: you can apply for funding for a vacation in one of the UW owned resort you can apply ...
Doctoral School of Humanities
Added 2021-01-13
Doctoral Students of doctoral schools may apply for various social welfare benefits: you can apply for funding for a vacation in one of the UW owned resort you can apply ...
Added 2020-09-22
Dear First Year Doctoral Students, Congratulations on becoming doctoral students of the Doctoral Schools at the University of Warsaw! The inauguration of the academic year at the Doctoral Schools will ...
Added 2020-08-04
Council of PhD Students of the Doctoral School of Humanities: 1. mgr Maciej Bednarski - chairman; 2. mgr Filip Boratyn; 3. mgr Radosław Domazet; 4. mgr Agnieszka Ziemińska. Representatives of ...
Added 2020-07-23
Please find below information on the conferences organized by other UW units or other institutions, the announcements of which were sent to the Doctoral School of Humanities. Notice! The announcements ...
Added 2020-06-01
Please find below PhD student’s annual report forms. PhD students should submit the report until 15.09.2020. The forms and guidance have been already sent via email to your email addresses. ...