LERU Summer School
Added 2023-02-28
WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENT The LERU (League of European Research Universities) Doctoral Summer School is a prestigious annual event aiming to provide doctoral candidates with unique professional ...
Facultative – class offer
Added 2023-02-24
We would like to present You two classes from the general university class offer. General University class at the Faculty of Archaeology "Rise of Christianity" (https://usosweb.uw.edu.pl/kontroler.php?_action=katalog2/przedmioty/pokazPrzedmiot&prz_kod=2800-DWROCH-OG and https://www.archeologia.uw.edu.pl/nowy-kurs-w-semestrze-letnim/ Trzecia rewolucja naukowa ...
Facultative – Courses for doctoral students (ZIP) – summer semester 2022/2023
Added 2023-02-24
As a part of University’s Integrated Development Programme (ZIP) there are offered new general university classes for PhD Students in the summer semester of the academic year 2022/2023: Processing data ...
Masters’ School Seminar 01.03.2023 3 p.m
Added 2023-02-23
The Masters’ School Seminar will be held on March, 01, at 3 p.m. Our guest is prof. Charles Ramble. Charles Ramble is a Research Professor (directeur d’études) in the History ...
Webinar: Plan your postdoc abroad
Added 2023-02-21
TARGET GROUP PhD students who plan to carry out their postdocs outside Poland SCOPE OF THE WEBINAR How to find postdoc offers abroad, with a particular focus on Marie-Skłodowska Curie ...
Open for you! An introduction series to Open Science
Added 2023-02-21
The vision of science that is represented at 4EU+ member universities is free of barriers or borders. It’s open! 4EU+ institutions organized the first series of training meetings to discover and ...
Career advisor
Added 2023-02-21
Do you need assistance with shaping you research career path? Would you like to identify your strengths and weaknesses as a researcher? Do you need help with writing your CV ...
“Information Saturday” at The Department of Foreigners
Added 2023-02-10
The Department of Foreigners of the Mazowieckie Voivodship Office invites you to participate in the Information Saturdays. As part of Information Saturdays, you are invited to individual consultations on matters ...
Promotion of scientific research in the public domain
Added 2023-02-07
We inform about the call for applications for co-financing projects aimed at promoting scientific research carried out at the University of Warsaw. The competition is open to employees employed at the University ...