Enrolment 2023/2024

Due to the upcoming recruitment process to Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw, we would like to present the most important information for the candidates. If there is no answer for your question (especially in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section), please contact the admissions coordinator – more details below 🙂
Candidates to the School should pay attention to the schedule below:
registration in Internet Recruitment for Candidates System (Online Application System; in Polish: Internetowa Rejestracja Kandydatów, IRK); submission of application for admission to the Doctoral School of Humanities via the IRK: 27th April – 19th June 2023;
admissions procedure:
- 1st stage of the admissions procedure: 3rd July – 12th July 2023,
- 1st stage of the admissions procedure results announcement: until 18th July 2023,
- publication of the interview schedule (2nd stage): until 18th July 2023,
- 2nd stage of the admissions procedure: 26th July – 1st August 2023,
- announcement of the ranking list: until 11th August 2023,
- submission of documents by the accepted persons: 16th August – 20th September 2023,
- announcement of the persons admitted: until 22nd September 2023.
Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UW kształci w następujących dyscyplinach:
- archaeology – limit of 7 places,
- philosophy – limit of 11 places,
- history – limit of 16 places,
- linguistics – limit of 23 places,
- literary studies – limit of 25 places,
- culture and religion studies – limit of 12 places,
- arts studies – limit of 6 places.
The link above leads to IRK system (Internet Recruitment for Candidates System (Online Application System; in Polish: Internetowa Rejestracja Kandydatów, IRK), where you can create account needed for the recruitment process.
The link given above leads to the rules of admissions procedure. There are specific pieces of information concerning: detailed conditions, required documents, form of qualification proceedings.
Attention! The School does not participate in searching for supervisors. We ask you to find a person, who will take care of your thesis, on your own. If you would like, you may use the engine for searching for thesis supervisors, which is available here (LINK).
The dissertation supervisor may be a person with a degree of doktor habilitowany or the title of professor, provided the person works at the University of Warsaw.
You may have more supervisors – of course, if the persons selected by the candidate agree to become such supervisors. Each one of them is obliged to be a person with a degree of doktor habilitowany or the title of professor. However, they may not work at the University of Warsaw.
Apart from supervisor(s), you may have an assistant supervisor. The function of the assistant supervisor may be performed by a person holding at least a doctoral degree. The obligations of the assistant supervisor include, in particular, the performance of acts of assistance, in agreement with the supervisor, in the scientific supervision of the doctoral student.
Doctoral scholarship rate depends on whether a doctoral student has passed the mid-term evaluation or is yet to be evaluated. The rate amounts to 2667,70 PLN gross and 4109,70 PLN gross, respectively. The suplement for persons with disabilities amounts to 800,31 PLN gross. Please bear in mind that specified amounts may change, because they depend on the professor’s payment rate.
The link above leads to the list of all Qualification teams in the Doctoral School of Humanities.
I have studied Physics, Chemistry, Social studies, Law…, non-humanities discipline, in short. Am I allowed to take part in the admission?
Yes! Our School lends a hand if you want to change your life path 😉 What we do care about during the admission is: initial description of the research project, scientific activity of the candidate (confirmed by means of scanned documents!) and interview. Only these three factors have an impact on gaining a doctoral student status – if you have a MA/MSc title, of course.
Only MA/MSc? They say you can take part in admission process even earlier…
Yes, “they” are right, but it is a bit harder way of recruitment. The qualification proceedings may be also initiated based on an application for admission to the School, submitted by the candidate who:
a) is the research project coordinator for a project carried out at the University as part of the “Diamentowy Grant” [Diamond Grant] program launched by the Minister responsible for higher education and science or submitted an application as part of this program that is currently pending review, or
b) is a graduate of a first degree program or a student who has completed the third year of a long-cycle master degree program, and has been approved by the Director in consultation with the qualification team to be considered for admission due to their exceptional, superior scientific achievements demonstrated to date (answering in advance: exceptional, superior scientific achievements demonstrated to date are evaluated individually).
Under which criteria will my cadidacy be evaluated?
Three criterias, metioned above in point 1, are:
initial description of the research project, its assess takes into account:
1) research objective (0-10 points);
2) novelty and originality of the research project (0-10 points);
3) methodology appropriate for the objective pursued, consistency of argumentation, transparency of reasoning (0-10 points);
4) description of the current status of research with references relevant for the research objective (0-10 points);scientific activity of the candidate, its evaluation takes into account, confirmed by means of scanned documents:
1) scientific publications, including scientific articles, sections in multi-author monographs, single-author monographs, publications in peer-reviewed international conferences materials (0-8 points);
2) presentations at national and international scientific conferences with an approved paper (0-8 points);
3) other elements of the evaluation of the candidate’s experience and scientific achievements, including awards, honourable mentions, certificates, professional experience, teaching experience, activity in an academic scientific movement, training, promotion of science, etc. (0–4 points);interview, its assess takes into account:
1) candidate’s competencies relevant for the research conducted (0-20 points);
2) justification of the accurate selection of the academic discipline and methodology for the proposed research issues (0-5 points);
3) ability to present the need for the planned research (0-5 points);
4) overview of the research plan (0-10 points). -
Which language proficiency certificates are required in the admission process?
NONE! You are probably a little perplexed, but we are explaining it right now, as it is an important issue. Candidates submit only a declaration of the level B2 of proficiency in English, as their language proficiency level will be verified during the interview. The declaration occurs in the application in the IRK system (LINK). This is due to the fact that one of the questions during the interview will be asked in English (and you have to answer it in that language). Unless, of course, you want your interview to be carried fully in English.
English is fine, but what about German, French, Italian… I am not so good at English!
Understanding English at certain proficiency level is mandatory if you want to start education at our School. It is not an arbitrary decision of the School as English has become, nolens volens, international science language. Candidates who are not fluent enough in it will not be able to carry out research at proper level, because English source literature will not be available to them.
May people from abroad take part in the admission process?
Yes, they can indeed! Non-Polish citizens have exactly the same rights and obligations as Polish doctoral students.
Where can I find legal acts that are connected with the admission process?
Please check LEGAL ACTS section below.
I plan to graduate between June and September this year. May I take part in admission process this year nevertheless?
Yes – in that case you have to upload to the IRK system a scan of a statement that the diploma or certificate confirming the award of a master’s degree will be delivered by the 20th September 2023. As a result, you have to graduate before that date, otherwise you will not be enrolled to the School.
Am I allowed to work half-time/full time as a PhD student?
As a School, we do not introduce any restrictions on this point. Except for one: PhD student may not be employed as an academic teacher or as a researcher. This restriction shall not apply to the employment of a doctoral student:
- for the purpose of implementation of the research project;
- after a mid-term evaluation with a positive result, except that in the case of employment for more than half of the full-time equivalent, the scholarship shall amount to 40% of the monthly scholarship;
- who is not entitled to a doctoral scholarship.
You have read carefully, yet you have not found the answer for your question? Please contact us:
(+48) 22 55 22 170
every Tuesday, 10AM – 2PM
Dobra Street 56/66 (flat 0.108, between “Gorąco polecam” bakery and posters stall)
00-312 Warsaw
All legal acts connected to the admission process are available here (LINK). The most important act are rules of admission to doctoral schools at the University of Warsaw (LINK). You should be familiar with The Rules and Regulations of the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw (LINK) and The Law on Higher Education and Science (available only in Polish, LINK) as well.