Recruitment 2022/2023 – announcements

Instruction for completing the application in IRK, Q&A
- Template of supervisor’s declaration [LINK]
- Declaration of submitting a higher education diploma [LINK]
Orders, decisions and resolutions:
- Resolution No. 17 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of 20 January 2021 on the rules for admission to doctoral schools at the University of Warsaw [LINK].
- Order on Recruitment Schedule and Rules for Conducting Registration of Candidates for Doctoral Schools in the Academic Year 2022/2023 [LINK]
- Order on the recruitment fee for the conduct of the admission procedure to the doctoral school at the UW [LINK].
Selection teams and observers:
- Selection team for the discipline of archeology:
- dr hab. Aldona Mueller-Bieniek – chairperson;
- dr Andrzej Maciałowicz – vice-chairperson;
- dr hab. Tomasz Waliszewski, prof. ucz.;
- dr hab. Artur Obłuski;
- dr Michał Przeździecki;
- dr Agnieszka Gołąb;
- mgr Emanuela Rudnicka / mgr Adrianna Gizińska- representative of doctoral students (observer).
- Selection team for the discipline of philosophy:
- dr hab. Urszula Zbrzeźniak – chairperson;
- dr Joanna Gęgotek – vice-chairperson;
- dr hab. Michał Kuziak;
- dr hab. Aleksandra Horecka;
- dr hab. Piotr Schollenberger;
- dr Krzysztof Skonieczny;
- mgr Beata Milewicz – representative of doctoral students (observer).
- Selection team for the discipline of history:
- dr hab. Urszula Kosińska, prof. ucz. – chairperson;
- dr hab. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł, prof. ucz. – vice-chairperson;
- dr hab. Paweł Janiszewski, prof. ucz.;
- dr hab. Marcin Pauk, prof. ucz.;
- dr hab. Błażej Brzostek;
- dr Piotr Jaworski;
- mgr Łukasz Kożuchowski – representative of doctoral students (observer).
- Selection team for the discipline of linguistics:
- prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Tryuk – chairperson;
- dr hab. Magdalena Zawisławska, prof. ucz. – vice-chairperson;
- dr hab. Anna Just, prof. ucz.;
- dr hab. Paweł Kornacki;
- dr Angelika Adamczyk;
- dr Natalia Karczewska;
- mgr Magdalena Karney / mgr Katarzyna Nowak- representative of doctoral students (observer).
- Selection team for the discipline of literary studies:
- dr hab. Marta Piłat-Zuzankiewicz – chairperson;
- dr hab. Przemysław Pietrzak – vice-chairperson;
- dr hab. Wiesław Rzońca;
- dr hab. Grzegorz Kość, prof. ucz.;
- dr hab. Katarzyna Nowakowska;
- dr hab. Agnieszka Piskorska;
- dr hab. Jacek Woźniak;
- mgr Magdalena Filipek – representative of doctoral students (observer).
- Selection team for the discipline of culture and religion studies:
- dr hab. Justyna Wierzchowska – chairperson;
- dr Piotr Cichocki – vice-chairperson;
- dr hab. Aneta Dybska
- dr hab. Anna Horolets, prof. ucz.;
- dr hab. Małgorzata Sandowicz, prof. ucz.;
- dr Michał Oleszczyk;
- mgr Anna Hoss – representative of doctoral students (observer).
- Selection team for the discipline of arts studies:
- dr hab. Agnieszka Leszczyńska, prof. ucz. – chairperson;
- dr hab. Gabriela Świtek, prof. ucz. – vice-chairperson;
- dr hab. Iwona Luba, prof. ucz.;
- dr hab. Tomasz Baranowski;
- dr Kamila Dworniczak;
- dr Monika Stobiecka;
- mgr Katarzyna Nowak / mgr Emma Kołodziejek – representative of doctoral students (observer).