Ranking list – Recruitment 2024/2025

Admissions Coordinator publishes the ranking list of candidates from the admissions procedure for the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences as part of admissions for the academic year 2024/2025 for the academic disciplines:
Ranking list (publication date: 02.08.2024)
Mathematics and computer sciences
Ranking list (publication date: 02.08.2024)
Biological sciences
Ranking list (publication date: 02.08.2024)
Chemical sciences
Ranking list (publication date: 10.09.2024)
Ranking list (publication date: 10.09.2024)
Ranking list (publication date: 02.08.2024)
Physical sciences
Ranking list (publication date: 20.09.2024)
Ranking list (publication date: 28.08.2024)
Ranking list (publication date: 02.08.2024)
Earth and related environmental sciences
Ranking list (publication date: 28.08.2024)
Ranking list (publication date: 02.08.2024)
In accordance with the recruitment schedule the following documents shall be submitted by the candidates recommended to be admitted to the School by September 23, 2024:
– the original document entitling them to take up education in the School or an official copy thereof (e.g. diploma of completion of the second-cycle programme). In case the diploma was issued in a language other than Polish or English, the candidate shall attach its certified translation. The candidate shall obligated to submit a legalisation (authorisation) or apostille (if the document was issued by an institution operating in the educational system in a country that is a party to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, concluded in The Hague, 5 October 1961) of the diploma. More information is available on: [LINK]
It is mandatory to have your diploma legalized in order to obtain a certificate of admission to the Doctoral School, which is necessary for applying for a visa.
– the following documents printed out from the account in the IRK system (You can download the templates of documents from the ‘Enrollment application’ tab – ‘Documents and further steps’):
a) a declaration concerning undertaking education in the Doctoral School;
b) an application for admission to the Doctoral School;
c) personal data processing declaration for educational purposes.
The documents should be submitted:
Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office
Banacha Street 2 c, 02-097 Warsaw (ground floor, rooms no. 0.05 and 0.06)
Opening hours: In order to make an appointment at the Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office and submit the documents the candidates recommended to be admitted to the School are requested to use the booking calendar [LINK]
Should you have any questions please contact: szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl
For foreign candidates, it is possible to send scans of the required documents and legalization of the diploma (apostille) to the following address: rekrutacja.nsp@uw.edu.pl
After arriving in Poland, foreign candidates are shall be presented their original documents in the Office of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Warsaw.
Once your IRK status is “admitted”, the Doctoral School administration enters your data into the USOS system. If you have not previously been educated at the UW and would like to log in, you should use your PESEL number and password from the IRK system. If you are continuing your education at the UW, you should log in using your previous login details. If you do not have PESEL number you will receive soon an e-mail with your new password and login number. In order to access USOSweb please follow the LINK. In case of any problems with logging into USOSweb, please contact the school office– szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl.
Email address registered in the domain uw.edu.pl
We kindly ask you to create an email account in the domain uw.edu.pl as soon as possible. Without such an email address it will not be possible for you to receive the official emails. You may set your account here [LINK]. Doctoral students who already have an address in the @student.uw.edu.pl domain do not have to set a new account. However, if you do wish to possess an acount in the @uw.edu.pl domain you should visit the website: LINK. Please send information about your email address in the UW domain to: szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl by 10 October 2024. Any change of email address must be sent to the School Office.
We would like to remind you that according to the UW Rector’s Order No. 279 of 10 December 2020 on electronic mail of the University of Warsaw:
Every employee, doctoral student and student of the University is obliged to possess and use University electronic mail on an ongoing basis, including receiving messages. In matters related to the University’s business where the use of electronic mail is necessary, users are required to use only University electronic mail. Correspondence of an employee, student or doctoral student of the University sent from an electronic address other than the University electronic mail shall be left unacknowledged.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that the e-mail address intended for you to contact the School staff is szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl.
Each doctoral student (who does not hold a degree of doctor), studying at the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Science receives a scholarship in the amount* not less than:
– PLN 4 242,00 gross (PLN 3764,35) for the first two years of studies (before the mid-term evaluation);
– PLN 5 340,90 gross (PLN 4739,50 net) in the next two years after the mid-term evaluation.
The scholarship is reduced by ca. 11% due to compulsory deducted toward social security.
Supplement for people with disabilities: PLN 1040,07
The total period of receiving the doctoral scholarship at doctoral schools shall not exceed 4 years.
Datailed information about payment of scholarship can be found in the ‘Rules and Regulations of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences’ and the act of 20 July 2018 – The Law on Higher Education and Science.
*The amounts shown are for doctoral students admitted in the limit recruitment.
Scholarship is paid app. on the 17th of each month. The doctoral scholarship shall be paid upon submission by the doctoral student of a declaration that they do not hold a doctoral degree, together with indication of an individual bank account in PLN to which the doctoral scholarship shall be transferred. You are asked to sign it during your visit to the secretary’s office.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is mandatory for all doctoral students for the whole duration of their stay in Poland. It is also required to obtain a temporary residence permit.
Health insurance for EU citizens:
EU citizens are eligible for free health services in Poland providing that they present a valid European Health Insurance Card.
EU citizens without health insurance in their countries of residence can sign a health insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) or with one of the private clinics.
Health insurance for non-EU citizens:
Students who are not from the European Union do not have access to free healthcare . Non-EU citizens can sign a health insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) or with one of the private clinics.
We strongly recommend signing the insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia – NFZ). With this you will get access to free public healthcare. It is also relatively cheap – it costs 55,80 PLN/month.
You can find all the necessary information how to get the NFZ insurance here:
Health & insurance – PhD students – Welcome Point (uw.edu.pl)
Welcome Point
We highly recommend that you check out the website of Welcome Point, the central information service for international students. The Welcome Point team is dedicated to assisting you throughout your stay in Warsaw, providing support at the beginning and during your studies. They are available to answer any questions you may have about studying at UW and living in Poland and help you navigate other university offices.
The University of Warsaw offers accommodation in one of six Dormitories – they are located in different parts of Warsaw – 3 in Ochota, one each in Śródmieście, Mokotów and Praga Południe.
Dormitory – Biuro ds. Pomocy Materialnej (uw.edu.pl)