Ranking list – recruitment 2021/2022

Recruitment coordinator publishes the ranking list of candidates resulting from the recruitment procedure to the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences:
– astronomy (publication date: 04.08.2021); astronomy (publication date: 24.09.2021)
– mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 04.08.2021); mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 14.08.2021); mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 03.09.2021); mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 17.09.2021); mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 24.09.2021); mathematics and computer sciences (publication date: 28.09.2021)
– biological sciences (publication date: 04.08.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 05.08.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 14.08.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 03.09.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 10.09.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 17.09.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); biological sciences (publication date: 24.09.2021)
– chemical sciences (publication date: 04.08.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 14.08.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 03.09.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 17.09.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 24.09.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 28.09.2021); chemical sciences (publication date: 30.09.2021)
– physical sciences (publication date: 04.08.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 14.08.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 03.09.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 10.09.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 17.09.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 24.09.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 28.09.2021); physical sciences (publication date: 30.09.2021)
– Earth and related environmental sciences (publication date: 04.08.2021); Earth and related environmental sciences (publication date: 14.08.2021); Earth and related environmental sciences (publication date: 03.09.2021); Earth and related environmental sciences (publication date: 17.09.2021); Earth and related environmental sciences (publication date: 21.09.2021); Earth and related environmental sciences (publication date: 28.09.2021); Earth and related environmental sciences (publication date: 30.09.2021)
In accordance with the recruitment schedule the following documents shall be submitted by the candidates recommended to be admitted to the School by September 23, 2021:
– the original document entitling them to take up education in the School or an official copy thereof (e.g. diploma of completion of the second-cycle programme)
– the following documents printed out from the account in the IRK system (You can download the templates of documents from the ‘Enrollment application’ tab – ‘Documents and further steps’)
a) a declaration concerning undertaking education in the Doctoral School;
b) an application for admission to the Doctoral School;
c) personal data processing declaration for educational purposes.
The documents should be submitted:
Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office
Żwirki i Wigury 93, 3061 room
02-089 Warsaw
Opening hours: In order to make an appointment at the Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office and submit the documents the candidates recommended to be admitted to the School are requested to use the tool available HERE.
Note: The candidates are requested to bring with them an identity document with a photograph, a protective mask and their own pen.
Should you have any questions please contact:
e-mail: szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl