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Doctoral School of Humanities

Networking for women PhD students at UW – consultation meeting

The Gender Equality Plan for UW and the IDUB strategy envisage actions to support women researchers at the early stages of their careers. One of those actions is „networking for women PhD students” – cyclical meetings in a form of breakfasts with invited guests and speakers. It is a quite informal form. Its aim is to facilitate networking, exchange of ideas and experiences, sharing problems and discussing solutions.

Description in GEP:

Including women doctoral candidates in a network of contacts with male and female researchers, and organising lectures with invited female lecturers on careers of women in academia, in Poland and all over the world (e.g., managers of international grants at UW): arranging three “networking breakfasts” including lectures by invited guests during the academic year, which women doctoral candidates and male and female researchers rep- resenting various disciplines will be invited to attend. Such a formula will allow for making valuable contacts in a less formal way, while sharing experiences, providing advice and substantive support, and facilitating the integration of women doctoral candidates from various faculties. This activity will generate synergies – strengthening women doctoral can- didates, integrating the academic community, and increasing the external visibility of good University practices.

In addition to “networking breakfasts”, women doctoral candidates will be able to communi- cate with one another on an ongoing basis, using a mailing list administered in cooperation with the Chief Equality Specialist at the University.

The activity is broad and open, in order to counteract the phenomenon of “skimming” – recognising and rewarding people who already have sufficient achievements and asser- tiveness. It is focused on supporting women doctoral candidates and providing them with knowledge about publishing strategies, methods of applying for grants, and how to plan business trips abroad, which will be useful at later stages of their academic careers. The activity will allow for the selection of equality ambassadors in the doctoral candidates’ self-government bodies. This activity is being carried out as part of the Career Develop- ment Strategy prepared by the Human Resources Office and in cooperation with units and Doctoral Schools.

Consultation meeting via Zoom

22nd March (Tuesday) 10:00-12:00 (PL)

24th March  (Thursday) 12:00-13:00 (EN)

Please send the information about your participation and preferred date to: kubisaj@is.uw.edu.pl

More information: LINK