Mid-term evaluation 2023/2024

Dear PhD students,
we would like to remind You a directive by the Director of the School which presents the schedule and defines the procedure of submitting the documents for the mid-term evaluation along with the approved forms. Directive mid-term evaluation (only in Polish).
Submission of the documents including the report on realizing IRP, opinions and questionnaires is planned for the following deadline:
in case of PhD students who completed the 4th semester of education in the winter semester of the academic year 2023/24 –from 12.02.2024 to 29.02.2024
The signed documents should be sent via email with UW domain to the e-mail address dedicated to the discipline you belong to:
– ocena.astro@uw.edu.pl for the discipline astronomy,
– ocena.biol@uw.edu.pl for the discipline biological sciences,
– ocena.chem@uw.edu.pl for the discipline chemical sciences,
– ocena.fiz@uw.edu.pl for the discipline physical sciences,
– ocena.mat@uw.edu.pl for the disciplines mathematics and computer sciences,
– ocena.nzs@uw.edu.pl for the discipline Earth and related environmental sciences.
The forms to fill you can find in the section Documents.
The dates of meetings with the committees will be agreed individually by committees.
There have been the following committees for mid-term assessment approved:
1 committee for the discipline astronomy
2 committees for the discipline biological sciences
3 committees for the discipline chemical sciences
4 committees for the discipline physical sciences
4 committees for the disciplines mathematics and computer sciences
2 committes for the discipline Earth and related environmental sciences