Laureaci FNP START – Scholarship for Young Scholars

The START programme of the Foundation for Polish Science is the oldest stipend programme in Poland for the best young scientists representing all fields of science. It aims to support outstanding young scholars and encourage their further scientific development. Each year, one hundred outstanding young scientists receives prestigious stipends.
This year the Foundation for Polish Science awarded five doctoral students and one graduate of the Doctoral School of Exact and natural Sciences of UW:
- Natalia Kowalska in the discipline of chemical sciences;
- Jerzy Szuniewicz in the discipline of physical sciences;
- Wojciech Wilczyński in the discipline of biological sciences;
- Yizhi Xu in the discipline of chemical sciences;
- Michalina Zaborowska-Mazurkiewicz in the discipline of chemical sciences;
- dr Karolina Łępicka-Mirek, an SDNSP graduate in the discipline of physical sciences.
Congratulations and best wishes for further success!
fot. Magdalena Wiśniewska-Krasińska_Archiwum FNP