Individual Research Plan 2023

Below you will find information about the Individual Research Plan.
The form completed and signed by the doctoral student and by the supervisor (supervisors) should be submitted until 30 September 2023 (no later than 12 months from the moment of starting education at the Doctoral School).
According to the wording of sec. 202 (1), of the Act of, Law on Higher Education and Science of July 20, 2018, in the case of appointment of an auxiliary supervisor of IRP, it is submitted after its opinion by the said persons.
According to the wording of sec. 204 (2), of the Act of, Law on Higher Education and Science of July 20, 2018 in the Individual Research Plan, the date of submission of the doctoral dissertation should be specified (in point 11 of the IRP form)
Method / place of submitting signed documents:
– documents signed in the traditional way – submitted in person to the School Secretariat – Dobra 56/66 (room. 0.108) during office hours;
– documents signed with a qualified electronic signature via university e-mail to the address
Please note: in the subject of the e-mail in which the documents are sent, please enter: IPB – name and surname of the doctoral student – discipline
Document templates:
Form: FILE
Instructions: FILE
Opinion of the assistant supervisor: FILE