1st year – classes in the summer semester

Dear PhD students,
below you can find information about the classes planned for the summer semester:
1. Latest discoveries in exact and natural sciences
You have been registered for the course by the school office, which you can check on your USOS accounts.
The meetings dates and the names of the lecturers are published under this link.
2. Acquisition of grants (scientist’s workshop)
The course will be held by dr hab. Michał Tomza.
group 1: 28th March, 4th, 18th and 25th April 2023, 13:15-15:00
group 2: 28th March, 4th, 18th and 25th April 2023, 15:15-17:00
The classes for both groups will be held in English. They will take place in room 0.06 at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 5.
Registration for the groups will be available via USOSweb and will last from the 6th of March (21:00) till the 20th of March 2023 (23:59).
3. Methodical workshop (group)
Registration for the groups will be open from the 6th of March (21:00) to the 20th of March (23:59).
The classes will be held online by dr Marcin Chrzanowski, dr Monika Klejman and mgr Agnieszka Suszczyńska.
The dates for specific groups:
- group 1: 14.03.2023, 16:00-18:30 (dr Marcin Chrzanowski);
- group 2: 21.03.2023, 10:00-12:30 (dr Marcin Chrzanowski);
- group 3: 21.03.2023, 10:00-12:30 (mgr Agnieszka Suszczyńska);
- group 4: 03.04.2023, 10:00-12:30 (dr Monika Klejman);
- group 5: 03.04.2023, 10:00-12:30 (mgr Agnieszka Suszczyńska) ;
- group 6: 03.04.2023, 16:00-18:30 (dr Marcin Chrzanowski);
- group 7: 03.04.2023, 16:00-18:30 (mgr Agnieszka Suszczyńska);
- group 8: 17.04.2023, 10:00-12:30 (dr Monika Klejman);
- group 9: 17.04.2023, 10:00-12:30 (mgr Agnieszka Suszczyńska);
- group 10: 24.04.2023, 10:00-12:30 (dr Monika Klejman) IN ENGLISH;
- group 11: 15.05.2023, 10:00-12:30 (dr Monika Klejman) IN ENGLISH.
Groups held in English are dedicated to PhD students from abroad.
We also would like to remind you the following ones:
PhD students accomplish seminars at their faculties or in external institutions, after they have discussed the choice of courses with their supervisors.
Seminars are not held by the School. Registration for them is organized by faculties according to their rules (registration via USOS is not always possible).
The Programme of Study obliges each PhD student to do 60hrs of seminars up to the end of the 2nd year of studies.
You can find a list of faculties’ seminars under this link.
A person responsible for giving credits for Research Seminar I (1700-SZD-SEM-I) is the coordinator of the discipline, after a PhD student has provided him/her with complete information about passing the chosen courses.
To get credit you have to meet the following conditions:
– contact the coordinator in a frame of proper time – up to the end of the retake session of the semester which the chosen course takes place in,
– submit the transcript of records (or a form of external seminars available on the school’s website),
– explain which courses should be used to get credit for Research Seminar I.
In USOS you should register for 1700-SZD-SEM-I-60 or 1700-SZD-SEM-I-30. The registration remains open until the end of June.
PhD students are obliged to do internship hours in the amount introduced by the Programme of Study (this obligation does not apply to PhD students of the following disciplines: biological sciences and Earth and environmental sciences, who start their practice in the 2nd year of education). A person responsible for giving credits is the coordinator of internship. The list of coordinators for each discipline is provided under this link.
For the course Internship you will be registered by the school office. You have also been added to the class Methodical workshop (individual as a part of practice) which is connected to the internship and can be recognized as passed when your internship is supervised. Credits for this class are also given by coordinators of internship, who do it based on the information from the supervising person.
You have been registered for Scientific development – individual classes with supervisor. These classes are not a real course, that is – you do not have to participate in any classes, but it is used to confirm your cooperation with your supervisor. Supervisors are responsible for giving credits, but you have to ask them to do it. Giving credits in USOS is possible now and stays open up to the end of the summer semester.
METHODOLOGICAL CLASSES TO BE SELECTED (II, p. 7 from the Programme of Study)
They can be treated as passed when you get credit for a course chosen at your faculty. Each PhD student is obliged to do 30hrs of methodological classes till the end of the 2nd year of studying. Coordinators of disciplines are the ones who are responsible for giving credits and who you can consult your choice of classes with. You have to register for such classes at the faculty as the School does not organize them. The chosen classes you can attend during the first year, but for the empty course methodological classes to be selected you will be registered by the School’s office by the end of the 2nd year. The coordinators will give credits then taking into consideration the credits from the courses done at faculties. The conditions of passing are the same like in case of Reserarch Seminar I.
(They have to be passed until the end of the 3rd year (the amount of obligatory hours and requirements are different for each discipline, according to the Programme of Study))
They are mainly specialisation and monographic lectures ogranised by UW’s units or sometimtes by external institutions. A person who can give credit for the course is the cooridnator of the discipline. You can attend the chosen classes during the 1st or 2nd year, however you will be registered for the empty course Additional specialisation classes by the school’s office by the end of 3rd year.