I year 2022/2023 formalities

Dear Doctoral Students,
we welcome you among the doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences (SDNSP).
We kindly invite you for the ceremony of the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2022/2023 in the Doctoral Schools which will take place on Tuesday the 4th October at 3 p.m. in the Old Library Hall at Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
Below you will find the information you need at the beginning of your education at SDNSP.
The oath
According to the School’s Regulations, you acquire your rights as a doctoral student when you take the following oath:
“I solemnly swear that I will persistently pursue the acquisition of knowledge and the development of my personality, that I will respect academic laws and customs, and that I will take care of the dignity and honour of a doctoral student at the University of Warsaw with my entire conduct”.
According to the decision of the Director of SDNSP, prof. Michał K. Cyrański, the date for taking the oath is 1 October 2022. Taking the oath must be confirmed in the USOSweb system (screen available after logging in) between 1 and 31 October 2022. In the event of failure to take the oath the doctoral student may be removed from the list of doctoral students.
Doctoral Students’ ID CARDS
We are making every effort to make your Doctoral Students’ ID cards ready for collection as soon as possible. We hope the ID cards will be ready on 29 September 2022. The ID cards for all the new students and doctoral students are being printed now, therefore it takes some time to finalize the process.
Medical Examination
In accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation (Official Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1651) doctoral students of the doctoral schools shall undergo periodic medical examination.
For that purpose you should:
- Collect the referral for medical examination at the Doctoral School Secretary’s Office Please make an appointment with the School Secretariat via the calendar [LINK] from 3 October 2022.
- If necessary, make an appointment with your supervisor in order to obtain the list of factors harmful to your health on your referral.
- Schedule a visit at Centermed (a health centre) (referral is valid for one month from the date of issue, which means that you have to come to the clinic with the referral during this time).
- Submit a certificate issued by a Centermed doctor to the Doctoral School Secretary’s Office (or send a scan to szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl).
As a doctoral student you need to have an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). ORCID allows you to be identified, e.g. in the case of scientific publications. Please generate your number at:[LINK]. Please follow the [LINK] for instructions and the declaration form. You must fill out the ORCID declaration form, print it out, sign and submit it by 31.10.2022 to the Doctoral School’s Secretary’s Office.
Email address registered in the domain uw.edu.pl
We kindly ask you to create an email account in the domain uw.edu.pl as soon as possible. Without such an email address it will not be possible for you to receive the official emails. You may set your account here [LINK]. Doctoral students who already have an address in the @student.uw.edu.pl domain do not have to set a new account. However, if you do wish to possess an acount in the @uw.edu.pl domain you should visit the website: LINK. Please send information about your email address in the UW domain to: szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl by 10 October 2022. Any change of email address must be sent to the School Office.
We would like to remind you that according to the UW Rector’s Order No. 279 of 10 December 2020 on electronic mail of the University of Warsaw:
Every employee, doctoral student and student of the University is obliged to possess and use University electronic mail on an ongoing basis, including receiving messages. In matters related to the University’s business where the use of electronic mail is necessary, users are required to use only University electronic mail. Correspondence of an employee, student or doctoral student of the University sent from an electronic address other than the University electronic mail shall be left unacknowledged.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that the e-mail address intended for you to contact the School staff is szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl.
The doctoral scholarship amounts to 2371.70 PLN (approximately 2100 PLN net). It is paid app. on the 17th of each month. The first payment in the new academic year is scheduled for 17-19 October 2022. The doctoral scholarship shall be paid upon submission by the doctoral student of a declaration that they do not hold a doctoral degree, together with indication of an individual bank account in PLN to which the doctoral scholarship shall be transferred. You are asked to sign it during your visit to the secretary’s office.
Employment as an academic teacher or researcher
We would like to kindly remind you that in accordance with the act of 20 July 2018 – the Law on Higher Education and Science a doctoral student may not be employed as an academic teacher or researcher. Please read the statement: [LINK]. You are asked to sign it during your visit to the secretary’s office.
Once your IRK status is “admitted”, the Doctoral School administration enters your data into the USOS system. If you have not previously been educated at the UW and would like to log in, you should use your PESEL number and password from the IRK system. If you are continuing your education at the UW, you should log in using your previous login details. If you do not have PESEL number you will receive soon an e-mail with your new password and login number. In order to access USOSweb please follow the LINK. In case of any problems with logging into USOSweb, please contact the school office– szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl.
Courses – I semester
Summary information on the study programme: LINK
Health Insurance
EU citizens are eligible for free health services in Poland providing that they present a valid European Health Insurance Card.
EU citizens without health insurance in their countries of residence can sign a health insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) or with one of the private clinics.
We strongly recommend signing the insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia – NFZ). With this you will get access to free public healthcare. It is also relatively cheap – it costs 55,80 PLN/month.
You can find all the necessary information how to get the NFZ insurance here:
Health & insurance – PhD students – Welcome Point (uw.edu.pl)
Welcome Point
We encourage you to visit the Welcome Point UW website: LINK. Information about legalization of stay in Poland: LINK