We publish here the competition notices which aim to admission of candidates for research project and the Doctoral School (beyond the limit for each discipline).
Project title: Responsive hierarchic nanocomposites for chiral plasmonics (REOPEN)
Research project manager: dr hab. Wiktor Lewandowski., e-mail:
Research project: NCN, Preludium Bis
Discipline: chemical sciences
Competition notice
Recruitment schedule
– registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK: from 16 August to 30 August 2021 [Link to IRK system]
– qualification procedure: from 01 September to 06 September 2021
– announcement of the ranking list: until 09 September 2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: from 10 September to 24 September 2021, until 2 p.m.
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: until 28 September 2021
Ranking list (publication date: 09.09.2021); Ranking list (publication date: 21.09.2021)
Project title: Impact of allergenic pollen on the optical and microphysical properties of the urban aerosol
Research project manager: dr hab. Iwona Stachlewska, prof. ucz., e-mail:
Research project: NCN, Preludium Bis
Discipline: Earth and related environmental sciences
1st round of recruitment
Competition notice
Recruitment schedule
– registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK: from 10 August to 30 August 2021 [Link to IRK system]
– qualification procedure: from 02 September to 06 September 2021
– announcement of the ranking list: until 09 September 2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: from 10 September to 24 September 2021, until 2 p.m.
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: until 28 September 2021
Ranking list (publication date: 08.09.2021); Ranking list (publication date: 17.09.2021)
2nd round of recruitment
Competition notice
– registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK: 20-24 September 2021 [Link to IRK system]
– qualification procedure: 27 September 2021
– announcement of the ranking list: 28 September 2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: 28-30 September 2021
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: 30 September 2021
Ranking list (publication date: 28.09.2021); Ranking list (publication date: 30.09.2021)
Project title: What phylogeography can tell us about evolution of hosts and their parasites? Genomics, coevolution, and local adaptations.
Research project manager: dr hab. Agnieszka Kloch, e-mail:
Research project: NCN, Preludium Bis
Discipline: biological sciences
Competition notice
Recruitment schedule
– registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK: from 13 August to 27 August 2021 [Link to IRK system]
– qualification procedure: from 01 September to 03 September 2021
– announcement of the ranking list: until 08 September 2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: from 09 September to 23 September 2021, until 2 p.m.
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: until 28 September 2021
Ranking list (publication date: 08.09.2021); Ranking list (publication date: 10.09.2021)
Project title: Micro-weathering and spectral signatures of rock surfaces in glacier forelands
Research project manager: dr hab. Maciej Filip Dąbski, e-mail:
Research project: NCN, Preludium Bis
Discipline: Earth and related environmental sciences
Competition notice
Recruitment schedule
– registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK: from 16 August to 30 August 2021 [Link to IRK system]
– qualification procedure: from 01 September to 06 September 2021
– announcement of the ranking list: until 08 September 2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: 09 – 23 September 2021, until 2 p.m.
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: until 28 September 2021
Ranking list (publication date: 08.09.2021); Ranking list (publication date: 10.09.2021)
Project title: Fatou theorems for harmonic functions and mappings and their generalizations
Research project manager: dr hab. Tomasz Adamowicz, prof. IMPAN, e-mail:
Research project: NCN, Preludium Bis
Discipline: mathematics
Competition notice
Recruitment schedule
– registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK: 01.07.2021 – 22.07.2021 [Link to IRK system]
– qualification procedure: 26.07.2021 – 28.07.2021
– announcement of the ranking list: until 06.08.2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: 09.08.2021 – 23.09.2021 until 2 p.m.
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: until 28.09.2021
Ranking list (publication date: 30.07.2021); Ranking list (publication date: 21.09.2021)