
It is worth starting the recruitment process to a doctoral school at the University of Warsaw by finding a supervisor, who are willing to provide care for the doctoral student and perform scientific supervision over their research project. In order to find a supervisor, candidates for the Doctoral Schools are encouraged to search through the database of supervisors. The database contains the list of University of Warsaw researchers, who are willing to perform the function of the dissertation supervisor.
Please note that not all potential supervisors are on the list. The candidates are also encouraged to consult the websites of the University of Warsaw faculties and academic units for information on academic teachers conducting their research.
According to the School Regulations, a potential supervisor can only be a person with:
- the habilitated doctor (doktor habilitowany) degree or an equivalent degree or the title of professor as well as has to be an employee of the University of Warsaw or the employee of the institution co-running the School (Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences);
- the status of retired professor at the University of Warsaw.
The dissertation supervisor can be a person, who remains a dissertation supervisor for no more than five doctoral students or persons applying for being awarded the doctor degree(e.g. participants of doctoral studies who have initiated a doctoral dissertation process). In exceptional instances, the Director of School may increase this limit.