Recruitment schedule

One-stage proceedings
– registration in the Internet Recruitment for Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK for admission to the Doctoral School:
from 5th of May to 28th of June 2021
Recruitment procedure:
– publication of the interview schedule: until 12th of July 2021
– qualification procedure: from 12th of July to 30th of July 2021
– announcement of the ranking list: until 4th of August 2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: from 9th of August to 23rd of September 2021
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: until 28th of September 2021
More information: Rector’s ordinance (in Polish), Amendment of Rector’s ordinance (in Polish)
Schedule of the qualification procedure
Mathematics and Computer Sciences
written qualification examination: 12 July 2021, time: 13:00 – 16:00 (CEST) in stationary mode
Place: hall 3180 (2nd floor), Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, Banacha 2, 02-097 Warsaw (location)
In justified cases (e.g. where the candidate stays abroad), at the written request of the candidate addressed to the chairperson of the qualification team appointed for the particular academic discipline, the written examination may be replaced with an examination carried out remotely with the use of generally available online tools.
Applications for remote examination must be submitted within two days of the publication of the schedule. Applications should be submitted as a scanned document signed by the candidate to:
interviews: 19-23 July 2021 online via Google-Meet
For 7 days prior to the scheduled interview, the candidates will receive a message via the system of IRK with information about the meeting time with a link.
Schedule of interviews – mathematics and computer sciences (link) (publication date: 10.07.2021)
Physical Sciences
written qualification examination: 13 July 2021, time: 10:00-13:00 (CEST) online via Google-Meet
The exam sheet contains a list of the most important constants. Candidates may not use aids other than a scientific calculator during the exam. The candidate must, at a specified time, connect to the qualifying team using the Google Meet platform and successfully broadcast an image of the candidate solving the problems; send to the team scans or photos of solutions no later than 10 min after the exam.
Written qualification exam on physical sciences – information (link)
interviews: 19 – 30 July 2021 (Monday – Friday) online via Google-Meet
For 7 days prior to the scheduled interview, the candidates will receive a message via the system of IRK with information about the meeting time with a link.
Schedule of interviews – physical sciences (link) (publication date: 10.07.2021)
Chemical Sciences
written qualification examination: 14 July 2021, time: 11:00 (CEST) in stationary mode
Place: Hall – Faculty of Chemistry, Pasteura 1, Warsaw
In justified cases(e.g. where the candidate stays abroad), at the written request of the candidate addressed to the chairperson of the qualification team appointed for the particular academic discipline, the written examination may be replaced with an oral examination carried out remotely with the use of generally available online tools.
Applications for remote examination or interview must be submitted within two days of the publication of the schedule. Applications should be submitted as a scanned document signed by the candidate to:
interviews (in stationary mode, place: Maria Skłodowksi-Curie Hall, Faculty of Chemistry, Pasteura 1, Warsaw): 19 – 30 July 2021 (Monday – Friday), time: 10:00-16:00 (CEST).
For 7 days prior to the scheduled interview, the candidates will receive a message via the system of IRK with information about the meeting time.
Schedule of interviews – chemical sciences (link) (publication date: 10.07.2021)
Biological Sciences
oral exams and interviews: 15,16, 19, 21 July 2021 (in remote mode using the Google Meet platform)
For 7 days prior to the scheduled interview/oral exam, the candidates will receive a message via the system of IRK with information about the meeting time with a link.
Schedule of exams and interviews – biological sciences (link) (publication date: 07.07.2021)
Earth and related environmental sciences
oral exams and interviews: 19 -21 July 2021 (in remote mode using the Google Meet platform)
For 7 days prior to the scheduled interview/oral exam, the candidates will receive a message via the system of IRK with information about the meeting time with a link.
Schedule of exams and interviews – Earth and related environmental sciences (link) (publication date: 10.07.2021)
oral exams and interviews: 19 July 2021 (in remote mode using the Google Meet platform)
For 7 days prior to the scheduled interview/oral exam, the candidates will receive a message via the system of IRK with information about the meeting time with a link.
Schedule of exams and interviews – astronomy (link) (publication date: 07.07.2021)