2nd year – information about classes

This is an obligatory course (4 teaching hours) in Polish hor English language. They both will be held by MA Krzysztof Gulda. Dates:
- Tuesday 28.11, 10.00-11.30, CNBCh, A+B Hall
- Thursday 30.11, 10.00-11.30, CNBCh, A+B Hall
- Tuesday 12.12, 10.00-11.30, CNBCh, C Hall
- Thursday 14.12, 10.00-11.30, CNBCh, C Hall
You will be registered for the course in USOS by the school’s office. There you will also find information where the classes will take place.
2nd year’s PhD students who did not get credits for the 1st year’s obligatory courses (like Ethics, Didactics, Copyright etc), but have the acceptance of the Director to catch up with them on the 2nd year, must contact the School’s office to inform which courses they want to take part in (via email: szkola.nsip@uw.edu.pl). We suggest you read the information about the classes for the 1st year’s students first so that you can check the way the participants will be registered for specific courses (in case PhD students are obliged to register by themselves, you will get access to the registration; in case PhD students will be registered by the school’s office, you will be registered for a specific course on a request).
We also remind you about:
RESEARCH SEMINAR I (60hrs obligatory till the end of 2nd year)
PhD students attend seminars at their faculty or in a external institution. They choose a seminar together with the supervisor. Seminars are not led by the School. To register for tchem you should follow the registration’s rules set by a specific faculty (registration via USOS is not always possible). More information here: https://szkolydoktorskie.uw.edu.pl/en/research-seminars/
METHODOLOGICAL CLASSES TO BE SELECTED ( p. II, 7 of the Programme of Study)
PhD students are obliged to realize 30 hours up to the end of 4th semester (2nd year).
To get a credit for them, it is necessary to contact the coordinator of discipline who can do it when you introduce hi mor her a kind of proof confirming you got a credit for a course realized at the faculty. Such confirmation is for example a transcript of records downloaded from USOS.
Methodological classes can also be passed by attending Discipline lectures (does not apply to Chemistry)
Phd students realize their teaching practice in the amount of hours specific for their discipline. You can find your practice coordinator here: Doctoral students internships – coordinators – Szkoły Doktorskie UW
METHODICAL WORKSHOP (INDIVIDUAL AS A PART OF PRACTICE) applies to disciplines of biological and Earth and environmental sciences
Methodical workshop goes together with practice and serves as a kind of proof that your practice was supervised.
A person who gives credits for the course is also coordinator of practice and for this purpose he/she needs a practice card form as well.
Just like in case of practice you will be registered for methodical workshop by the School’s Office, except for PhD students of other disciplines who started their practice during the 1st year.
The conference will take place in May. You will receive more information via mail in Spring.