Doctoral School of Humanities
Listy rankingowe – Rekrutacja 2023/2024
Added 2023-09-30
Szanowni Państwo, ogłaszamy listy rankingowe kandydatów z postępowania rekrutacyjnego do Szkoły Doktorskiej Nauk Humanistycznych w rekrutacji na rok akademicki 2023/2024. archeologia; aktualizacja 28.08.23; aktualizacja 11.09.23; aktualizacja 22.09.23, aktualizacja 30.09.23 filozofia; ...
Enrolment 2023/2024
Added 2023-07-18
[KEEP CHECKING, THE POST IS FREQUENTLY UPDATED] Due to the upcoming recruitment process to Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw, we would like to present the most ...
Check your application with the recruitment coordinator
Added 2023-06-06
7th June 2023 14:30 LINK FOR THE MEETING: [LINK]
UW Doctoral Schools Open Day
Added 2023-02-28
UW Doctoral Schools Open Day UW Doctoral Schools Open Day will be held on the 18th of March 2023. The event is intended for those interested in pursuing doctoral education. The ...
Recruitment 2022/2023
Added 2022-07-06
Doctoral School of Humanities UW was established in 2019 on the basis of many years of experience in educating doctoral students at the University of Warsaw. PhD students follow an ...
Meeting with candidates for the Doctoral School
Added 2022-05-24
A meeting during which you will be able to obtain information on this year's recruitment for everyone interested in studying at the Doctoral School of Humanities of the University of ...
Meeting for candidates
Added 2022-05-23
Due to the ongoing enrollment in the Doctoral School of Humanities and potential candidates' concerns about the application process, Doctoral School of Humanities is organizing an online meeting during which ...
Open Day at the UW Doctoral Schools
Added 2022-03-25
The Open Day at the University of Warsaw Doctoral Schools will be held on 9th April online. The live-streaming will be available in Polish and English. In addition to presentations ...
Admissions exceeding the limits
Added 2021-08-05
On the 2nd of July 2021, after requesting an opinion from the School Council, the Director of the Doctoral School of Humanities, dr hab. Monika Rekowska, prof. ucz., set forth ...