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Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences

Scholarship to START – III edition

We have great news for everyone who started doctoral school this year.

The third edition of the „Scholarship to Start” program starts on February 17th!

The program offers two types of scholarships for doctoral students, tailored to your achievements:

Scholarship to Start for Doctoral Students” – intended for first-year doctoral candidates at a doctoral school who have achieved a point score in the admission procedure that is in the top 20% of those admitted as of October 1 of the academic year in which the doctoral candidate applies for the scholarship, separately for:

a) Interdisciplinary Doctoral School
b) Warsaw Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science
c) and in other cases: separately for each doctoral school by educational discipline

– if the number of doctoral students eligible to receive the “Scholarship to Start” in a given group is not a whole number, rounding down to a whole number is used, with the number of scholarship recipients being no less than one. Only doctoral students admitted for the first time to a doctoral school within the limit of places set forth in Appendix No. 1 to Resolution No. 17 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of 20 January 2021 on the rules of recruitment to doctoral schools of the University of Warsaw (consolidated text: Monitor UW of 2023, item 43), who began their education as of 1 October of the academic year in which they apply for the scholarship, are eligible to receive the scholarship.

Scholarship to Start for Athletes” – addresed to students in the first year of first-cycle, second-cycle or long second cycle and first year doctoral candidate at the doctoral school, who are outstanding athletes. Eligible for the scholarship is a person who has placed in a scoring position at the Olympic Games, World Championships, European Championships or Polish Championships (but no further than the 10th), and in the case of students – who have the right to receive the Rector’s scholarship in the academic year in which they apply for the “Scholarship to Start”.

[How can you submit your application?]

Want to apply for the „Scholarship to Start”? Download and complete the application, then submit it to the Student Welfare and Support Office along with attachments confirming your achievements (except for applicants for the „Scholarship to Start for Doctoral Students” – doctoral students only submit the application).

Detailed information on how to submit the application can be found HERE.

How to submit the application? You have until March 17, 2025, and several options to choose from:

  • in person – Student Welfare and Support Office (Dobra 55, room 00.089), Mon.-Thu. 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM,
  • through The General Office of the University of Warsaw – Auditorium Maximum (Main Campus UW, room 2), Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM (with a note: “Student Welfare and Support Office”),
  • by sending a letter by regular post – the letter must arrive no later than March 17, 2025,
  • via ePUAP,
  • by email – only if the application is electronically signed.

Choose the most convenient option and don’t miss the deadline!
Remember! Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

[How much is the scholarship?]

The amount will be announced after the application deadline. The scholarship will be paid in a one-time payment and covers 12 months.

[Application – to download]


Do you have questions? Write to bpm@uw.edu.pl or call 22 55 20 783.

Don’t wait – submit your application and take advantage of this opportunity!

Announcement: LINK