Rules of recruitment 2021/22 – 2023/24

The Senate of the University of Warsaw adopted resolution on the rules of recruitment for Doctoral Schools at the University of Warsaw. The document lays down the rules of recruitment for doctoral schools in the years 2021/2022 – 2023/24. The translation of the document is in progress and will be made available here in due course.
The University is also working on recruitment schedule as well as terms and conditions of carrying out the registration of candidates to doctoral schools, which will be set out by the Rector in a separate ordinance. We encourage you to review the text of the resolution and to follow our website.
It is worth starting the recruitment process to a doctoral school at the University of Warsaw by finding a supervisor, who will be willing to provide care for the doctoral student and perform scientific supervision over their research project.
In order to find a supervisor, candidates for the Doctoral Schools are encouraged to search through the database of supervisors available here. The candidates are also encouraged to consult the websites of the University of Warsaw faculties and academic units for the information on academic teachers conducting their research.