Open call for scholarship positions in the NCN Opus-22 project

Host institution: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland
Project title: “Ideas of progress and development in the context of climate crisis in peripheral philosophies in XXI century”, NCN Opus 22, Project no 2021/43/B/HS1/03354
Principal investigator: Katarzyna Bielińska (PhD), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland
Project description: Debates on progress and development conducted outside Western Europe and North America constitute a substantial part of global philosophical and theoretical knowledge. However, in contemporary academia, potentially relevant philosophical production remains on the outskirts of global knowledge circulation, dominated by the European and North American core. Our main research question is: What is the impact of climate crisis on the discourse on progress and development in peripheral philosophical debates? We assume that a substantial part of the relevant literature for this topic is published in journals of local or regional impact and remains outside mainstream debates. Thus, we plan to conduct an integrative review of local and regional literature concerning issues under investigation. We will focus on four regions: Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, and South-Eastern Asia.
More information: LINK