Methodological classes – 2022/23 offer

Below we present a list of methodological classes that will be offered in the 2022/23 academic year (winter and summer semester) to allow You to get acquainted with the full offer for the forthcoming academic year.
At the same time, we would like to remind you of the basic information about these classes.
Methodological classes are:
– classes to choose from;
– 30-hour classes for doctoral students from all disciplines of SDNH and PhD students from the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, from the first, second and third year.
Methodological classes start in case at least 5 people sign up for them.
Accoring to the Programme of Study (LINK) PhD students are obliged to complete 30 hours of Methodological classes from the list between II and IV semester and another 30 hours until the end of V semester (60 hours in total).
ATTENTION! Classes are offered by various disciplines, but it is up to you to decide on your methodological courses choices. It does not necessarily have to be the discipline in which you conduct your research. For example PhD student in linguistics can participate in methodological classes offered by history or archaeology etc.
List of methodological classes Winter semester 2022/23 (ENTRY UPDATED): LINK
The registration for methodological classes for Winter semester 2022/23 will be launched in USOS on 30.08.2022 at 20:01 to 08.09.2022; 23:59.
Detailed information on individual classes can be found in USOS (ENTRY UPDATED)- LINK
List of methodological year-round classes 2022/23 (ENTRY UPDATED)– LINK
The registration for methodological, year-round classes will be launched in USOS on 30.08.2022 at 20:01 to 08.09.2022; 23:59.
Detailed information on individual classes can be found in USOS (ENTRY UPDATED) – LINK
List of methodological classes Summer semester 2022/23 (ENTRY UPDATED): LINK
Detailed information on individual classes can be found in USOS (ENTRY UPDATED)– LINK
We reserve the right to change the offer.