III year – information about classes
In the third year of education, you must complete:
INTERNSHIP 10-30 hours
ADDITIONAL CLASSES (seminars / monographic lectures)
– classes offered by the faculties of the University of Warsaw (these may be classes available for students); – 60 hours between 5 and 7 semester (in IPB, the supervisor may require more hours of specific seminars / lectures );
– you should register for these classes at the faculty where they are organized.
ATTENTION! Those of You who, for some reasons, have not yet completed the compulsory classes / have transferred the obligation to complete them (with SDNH Director approval) for the III year should remember to report their willingness to participate in specific classes (to the address: phd.nh@uw.edu.pl) .
Registration for general university classes as a rule, it is provided in USOS for the second year:
- 29.08.2023 at 20:01 to 08.09.2023 at 23:59
LINK to the registation avaialable here: LINK