General university classes for doctoral students – summer semester 2021/2022 (ZIP)
As part of the ZIP Program, the next round of registration for general university classes for PhD students of the University of Warsaw, conducted during the summer semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, is starting.
Here is a list of currently offered activities with still vacancies:
- Processing data in Python
- Wstęp do uczenia maszynowego – głębokie sieci neuronowe
- Stosowanie sygnaturowych zalet charakteru w pracy dydaktycznej
- Mój tekst w LaTeXu? Podstawy LaTeXa w środowisku Overleaf
- Mój pierwszy projekt na mikrokontroler – warsztaty online
Registration for classes is open from May 20 (21:00) to May 30 (23:59).
Registration link: