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Doctoral School of Humanities

Facultative – invitation to an open lecture by Dr Micaela Sinibaldi

Change of the hour of Dr Micaela Sinibaldi’s seminar

Due to the announcement of Dean’s hours at the Faculty of Archaeology on Monday 28 February, Dr Micaela Sinibaldi is changing the time of her seminar to 15.00 (in room 209).

The seminar will be held as a stationary meeting in room 209
Monday 28 February 2022, 3.00PM-4.45PM

The coordinators of the seminar Borderland Archaeology (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) would like to invite everyone interested to an open lecture by Dr Micaela Sinibaldi:

The issue of “gaps” in the archaeological record: the case study of Medieval settlement in Petra, Jordan

Information available HERE