Facultative – Courses for doctoral students (ZIP) – summer semester 2022/2023

As a part of University’s Integrated Development Programme (ZIP) there are offered new general university classes for PhD Students in the summer semester of the academic year 2022/2023:
- Processing data in Python (ENG)
- English for Presenting & Debating (ENG)
- Academic Public Speaking for Research Purposes (ENG)
- Presentation Skills for Doctoral Candidates (ENG)
- Tradycje krytycznej teorii społecznej (PL)
Registration for the following classes will be opened from February 24 (21:00) to March 3 (23:59).
Registration link: https://rejestracja.usos.uw.edu.pl/catalogue.php?rg=0508-OG-ZIP-2022L&group=0508-OG-ZIP-D&lang=en