End of education in Q&A

What is the deadline for the submission of the doctoral dissertation?
The doctoral dissertation should be submitted until the deadline specified in the Individual Research Plan. If you can’t remember what date you entered, contact the school secretariat.
If the date in the IPB is “end of 4th year” or “end of 8th semester”, then most likely (except for those doctoral students who have had their education suspended, started their education from the summer semester, etc.) the date of submission of the dissertation is 30 September 2023.
PLEASE NOTE: This year, 30 September falls on a Saturday and the Scientific Councils Office (Biuro Rad Naukowych – BRN) works Monday through Friday. Therefore, with the approval of the UW Rector, it will be possible to submit dissertations on 2 October.
Where should I submit the doctoral dissertation?
The dissertation should be submitted at the Scientific Councils Office. The office has two locations:
– BUW (University of Warsaw Library), 2nd floor:
- Room 2.72 – humanities
- Room 2.69 – social sciences
– Faculty of Geology, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 93, 3rd floor, rooms 3049, 3051, 3053 – exact and natural sciences and the Academic Council of the Areas of Study.
More information is available on the website of the Scientific Councils Office – https://radynaukowe.uw.edu.pl/ (in Polish only).
What documents should be submitted together with the doctoral dissertation?
A list of the required documents and attachments is available on the Scientific Councils Office website:
For our part, however, we ask that you ensure in advance that you have a certificate or diploma attesting to knowledge of a modern foreign language of at least B2 proficiency level. If you have any doubts about your certificate, please contact the Scientific Councils Office.
What are the consequences of not submitting the dissertation on time?
Failure to submit the dissertation by the deadline specified in the IPB will result in removal from the list of doctoral students.
Can I submit my dissertation after the deadline specified in the IPB?
Yes, but then you will be treated as an extramural doctoral degree applicant. The extramural mode is chargeable (PLN 21,630).
What should I do if I don’t manage to finish my doctoral dissertation by the IPB deadline?
The Rules and Regulations of the Doctoral School provide for the possibility of applying for a one-year extension of the deadline for the submission of the dissertation, and then for a further year.
When, where and to whom should this request be submitted?
There is no set deadline, but if you suspect that you may have a problem meeting the IPB deadline, it is worth not delaying your application.
The request should be addressed to the director of the doctoral school. It must include the opinion of the supervisor.
Do I have doctoral student rights during the extension?
Yes, during this period a doctoral student shall retain all the rights of a doctoral student, except for the right to a doctoral scholarship.
Legalisation of stay in Poland
Doctoral students who are not Polish citizens are kindly reminded of the need to legalise their stay and have proper health insurance after submitting their doctoral dissertation, if they plan to continue their stay in Poland. If in doubt, please contact the relevant institution or the Welcome Point.