Doctoral Summer School LERU

Attention! Below you will find the latest information about LERU Summer School, sent by the organizer.
Due to the changes, we are prolonging the call for applications until March 26, 2021.
I would like to inform you that due to the many uncertainties and the possible travel restrictions, the 2021 LERU Doctoral Summer School will be a fully online edition. Our colleagues from Trinity College Dublin have been re-designing the programme, tailoring it specifically for a virtual audience.
Draft programme of the 2021 LERU Doctoral Summer School
Here below, you can find some remarks provided by Martine Smith, Trinity College Dublin:
- There are a number of features that differ from the original face-to-face version, although the overall theme and focus remains the same.
- There is a programme for ‘core’ participants (i.e., those nominated by each university and who will get credit for that participation of 5ECTS) and for up to 150 guests, the latter group participating only in the morning sessions on a first-come-first-served basis and not eligible for the credits. What you see in the programme here enclosed, is for core participants; others will attend the morning slots only.
- Each day will include a 2-hour slot with papers from invited speakers, followed by an ‘armchair discussion’ facilitated by a session host.
- Each day will also include a 1-hour slot of very short presentations from summer school participants. In advance of the Summer School, each ‘core’ participant will sign up to speak to one of the themes. They then prepare and present 3 PowerPoint slides and speak to the slides for a maximum of 5 minutes.
- After lunch, sessions of 90-120 minutes of small group workshops for core participants are facilitated and the work agenda focuses on development of a policy paper and resources for ECRs.
- Each day offers one online social event hosted by our Graduate Students’ Union.
- The revised format has allowed up to broaden the number of speakers and to include speakers who otherwise might not have been able to travel to participate.
This year, Prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Lalak Vice-Rector for Research, has chosen the Doctoral School of Humanities to nominate the best candidate for the LERU (League of European Research Universities) Summer School.
The LERU Doctoral Summer School is an annual event aiming to provide doctoral candidates with unique professional and personal development opportunities beyond what they are generally exposed to in the course of their PhD training. By creating an exceptional and truly international, intercultural and interdisciplinary meeting of bright young minds, the Summer School creates a highly stimulating learning experience which is of long lasting value to the participants’ future careers. Participants are LERU university PhD candidates who are selected on the basis of a university-wide competition.
This year, Doctoral Summer School will be hosted by Trinity College Dublin from the 8th of August until the 13th 2021, and its theme will be “Reasserting the Value of the Experts”.
The draft programme: LINK
More information: LINK
I invite everyone interested to apply to the LERU Summer School to submit the documents (in English), including:
1. CV,
2. The title of your doctoral project with a short summary (no more than 1800 characters),
3. A letter of motivation containing the justification of the benefits that participation in the school will bring to your research and future career and the answer to the question why you should be selected as a candidate of the University of Warsaw to apply to the LERU Doctoral Summer School.
Documents should be submitted by March 24, 2021 (inclusive), electronically to the address:, necessarily with the annotation LERU.
Applications will be evaluated by a three-person committee composed of members of the Scientific Council of the Doctoral School of Humanities, the name of the winner will be announced March 31, 2021.
First evaluation of all candidates from all over the Europe by LERU committee will be made at the beginning of May, the final decision will be taken on June the 7th.
The selected doctoral student will not have to pay for the Summer School, the host pays the fee (accommodation included), however the travel expenses are covered by doctoral student.