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Doctoral School of Humanities

Courses for doctoral students (ZIP) – summer semester 2021/2022

We would like to inform you that the next round of registration for all-university classes for PhD students of the University of Warsaw will be available within the ZIP Program. Classes will be offered in the summer semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. New courses are also on offer.

Here is the list of currently offered classes:

  • English Writing Skills for Academic Purposes
  • Corpus linguistics: issues, methods and tools
  • English for Presenting & Debating
  • English for Academic Conferences and Presentations
  • Effective Reading and Summary Writing in English
  • English as a Medium of Instruction
  • Stosowanie sygnaturowych zalet charakteru w pracy dydaktycznej
  • Wstęp do uczenia maszynowego – podstawy
  • Wstęp do uczenia maszynowego – głębokie sieci neuronowe
  • Z Excelem przez badania: przygotowanie i prowadzenie badań empirycznych oraz analiza ich wyników w programie Excel

Registration for the class runs from March 4 (9:00 pm) to March 12 (11:59 pm).

Link to registration: Przedmioty ogólnouniwersyteckie w ramach ZIP dla doktorantów – Token registration (uw.edu.pl)