The Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, the UW’s Students’ Union and Welcome Point would like to invite you to co-create the 2nd edition of a very special event: Miasteczko na styku kultur – Cultural Hot Spot Uw. It will be a showcase of the multicultural potential of our academic community and an opportunity to bring different cultures together.
Cultural HotSpot WILL TAKE PLACE ON MAY 20TH (FRIDAY) ON UW’S MAIN CAMPUS (26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street).
If you want to present your country, teach us about its language, customs or cuisine, the stage is yours! The way you want to show your culture is entirely up to you, all creative ideas are most welcome!
What do we expect from you?
- to participate in a multicultural workshop combined with the organisational meeting at the beginning of May (the exact date will be arranged soon together with volunteers);
- to be available on May 20th (from noon until early evening – the exact hours to be announced soon). Coordinators will provide beverages and lunch.
- to have an idea about what you would like to present on your stand. The coordinators of the event will provide space for each stand and all necessary supplies.
If you are interested, please FILL IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (check “Organisation of the “Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural Hot-Spot UW”): If you have already filled in the volunteer form, please send an email to with the information that you are interested in joining this event.
All students who decide to join the event and present their home culture will receive a UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW VOLUNTEER CERTIFICATE and a GIFT PACK.