Important links

Orders, decisions and resolutions
- Recruitment Resolution No. 17 on the rules of recruitment to doctoral schools at UW [LINK].
- Order on Recruitment Schedule and Rules for Conducting Registration of Candidates for Doctoral Schools in the Academic Year 2022/2023 [LINK]
- Order on the recruitment fee for the conduct of the admission procedure to the doctoral school at the UW [LINK].
- Order No. 18 of the Director of SDNS on the conduct of interviews for the Doctoral School of Social Sciences using common online tools [LINK – in Polish]
- Order No. 19 of the Director of the SDNS to amend Order No. 18 of the Director of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of 4 July 2022 on the conduct of interviews for the Doctoral School of Social Sciences using common online tools [LINK – in Polish]
Instructions, sample documents