Admissions exceeding the limits

On the 2nd of July 2021, after requesting an opinion from the School Council, the Director of the Doctoral School of Humanities, dr hab. Monika Rekowska, prof. ucz., set forth the list of research programs the contractors or persons recruited to execute which may be admitted to the Doctoral School under the procedure for admissions exceeding the limits.
Order of the SDNH Director: LINK
Project title: Archeology – “Projekt Komarów 1914” – Integrated geophysical research of battlefields
Research project manager: dr hab. Krzysztof Kazimierz Misiewicz, e-mail:
Research project: NCN, Preludium Bis
Discipline: archeology
Recruitment schedule:
- registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”): 18th of August – 26th of August 2021 [link to IRK system]
- qualification procedure (interviews included): 30thof August – 03rd of September 2021
- announcement of the ranking: until 08th of September 2021
- accepting documents from qualified candidates: 22nd of September 2021 until 2 p.m.
- announcement of the list of accepted candidates: until 23rd of September 2021
The Recruitment Coordinator for the Doctoral School of Humanities announces the ranking list of candidates from the recruitment procedure in the discipline of archeology as part of the Preludium Bis 2 research project:
Ranking list (publication date: 20/09/2021)
According to the recruitment schedule, candidates recommended for admission to the School are required to submit the following documents by September 22, 2021:
– original of the document entitling to start education at the School or its official copy (e.g. diploma of completion of second-cycle studies, certificate of master’s degree defense)
– printed from the account in IRK (documents can be downloaded in the tab “Recruitment applications” – “Documents and further steps”)
a) a declaration of undertaking education at the School;
b) application for admission to the School;
c) consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the recruitment procedure.
Documents should be submitted:
Secretariat of Doctoral Schools
Dobra 56/66, room 0.108
00-312 Warsaw
Admission hours: In order to arrange a visit to the secretariat related to the submission of documents, please make an appointment for a specific date and time using the tool available HERE.
Attention! Please bring a photo ID, a mask and your own pen.
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Project title: Implicitness, internalization and theoreticality – folk psychology as a theory
Research project manager: dr hab. Tadeusz Ciecierski, e-mail:
Research project: NCN, Preludium Bis
Discipline: philosophy
Recruitment schedule:
– registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates, referred to as “IRK”, submitting an application to the IRK: 12th of July 2021 – 25th of July 2021 [Link to IRK system]
– qualification procedure: 26th of July 2021 – 31st of July 2021
– announcement of the ranking list: 5th of August 2021
– accepting documents from qualified candidates: 22nd of September 2021 until 2 p.m.
– announcement of the list of accepted candidates: 23rd of September 2021
The Recruitment Coordinator for the Doctoral School of Humanities announces the ranking list of candidates from the recruitment procedure in the discipline of philosophy as part of the Preludium Bis 2 research project:
Ranking list (publication date: 20/09/2021)
According to the recruitment schedule, candidates recommended for admission to the School are required to submit the following documents by September 22, 2021:
– original of the document entitling to start education at the School or its official copy (e.g. diploma of completion of second-cycle studies, certificate of master’s degree defense)
– printed from the account in IRK (documents can be downloaded in the tab “Recruitment applications” – “Documents and further steps”)
a) a declaration of undertaking education at the School;
b) application for admission to the School;
c) consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the recruitment procedure.
Documents should be submitted:
Secretariat of Doctoral Schools
Dobra 56/66, room 0.108
00-312 Warsaw
Admission hours: In order to arrange a visit to the secretariat related to the submission of documents, please make an appointment for a specific date and time using the tool available HERE.
Attention! Please bring a photo ID, a mask and your own pen.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: