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Doctoral School of Humanities

Facultative -Kraków DH Lunch: How Can Stylometry Identify New Genres?

We are forwarding the invitation for DH Lunch meetings.

The nearest meeting will take place on Friday 4th March, this time at 2 pm CET, on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82139380895?pwd=M2kxd1hMbnpsT0V3V3B2dHVKSUFZdz09

Our guest will be José Calvo Tello from Göttingen State and University Library, with the talk: “How Can Stylometry Identify New Genres? Metadata for the Evaluation of Stylometric Clusterings”

You can find the abstract at: https://dhlunch.ijp.pan.pl/en/04-03-2022/
The meeting will not be recorded.