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Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Społecznych

Financial support for participation in scientific events

In December 2020 the Head of the School announced a new possibility of obtaining financial support for participation in summer schools, methodological workshops etc., focused especially on supporting presence of the Ph.D. students in international academic circulation.

The School has received 10 applications, which have been reviewed not only by the Head of the School, but also by reviewers – members of the School Board, representing different academic disciplines:
– Prof. Łukasz Goczek – economics and finance
– Prof. Kamil Imbir – psychology
– Prof. Wojciech Gagatek – political science and administration

Doctoral students applied for support related to participation in both on-line events and events in the traditional form. Obviously we are aware that some of the events may be cancelled, especially those which are going to be organized in the coming months (e.g. February or March). Nevertheless, we have decided to grant financial support, which may be used by Ph.D. students in case of an optimistic scenario of successful organization of the events, or in case of on-line events. In some cases we had to cut the requested funding, offering only partial financing.

Following opinions of reviewers the Head of the School has decided to offer the following grants:
1. Dobrawa Aleksiak – 135 zł (requested amount 135 zł)
2. Przemysław Dałek – 2500 zł (requested amount 2850 zł)
3. Anatolii Petraszczuk – 2500 zł (requested amount 3915 zł)
4. Małgorzata Pięta – 550 zł (requested amount 550 zł)
5. Aleksandra Polak – 2200 zł (requested amount: 4350 zł)
6. Aleksandra Szkudlarek – 800 zł (requested amount: 800 zł)
7. Agnieszka Tomczyk – 1450 zł (requested amount 1450 zł)
8. Feliks Tuszko – 740 zł (requested amount 740 zł)

Recipients of the grant may contact the School’s secretariat to discuss practical arrangements.

Announcement of the new call for proposals will depend on the decision of the new Head of the School, which is not known yet.