Open Day in Doctoral School Q&A

Open Day at SDNS
Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you very much for coming to the Open Day at our School!
At the meeting, which was divided into 3 parts, the staff and the Director of the School talked about the School and the recruitment process, and answered questions. All the aspects discussed can be found on the website. During the meeting, you asked us many questions in the forms and by e-mail they were mainly about the recruitment process. Here are the most frequent ones:
In which place is it possible to add a statement about delivering a diploma on time instead of a degree?
The statement can be uploaded in the space reserved for a scan of a diploma… under the tab documents uploaded by candidates,
Why is recruitment being done to the disadvantage of those who are just defending their Master’s degree?
Recruitment is not carried out to the disadvantage of people who have not yet obtained a degree. In such a case, it is necessary to upload a certificate that the diploma will be submitted by the deadline for submission of documents. This declaration can only be made by candidates pursuing an education within the European Higher Education Area
Is it necessary to upload a secondary school certificate when recruiting to SDNS?
No, it is only necessary to provide information about your secondary school/technical school. These are formal requirements not subject to merit evaluation.
Is it known how many people will comprise the team conducting the second stage of recruitment, that is interview?
The composition of the ZK committees is given on our website.
Where should I upload confirmations of scientific activity? Are there any restrictions on file size (MB)?
The limit is 70MB per person, this means that the document uploaded by a candidate cannot exceed 70MB.
When filling in the application in IRK, does it have to be approved and sent, or is it just accepted ex officio as filled in on 28.06 at 23.59?
The application will be automatically approved when you complete your registration in the IRK system.
I am a foreigner, will I receive accommodation near the UW?
Doctoral students have possibility to apply for a dormitory. Unfortunately, we have no influence on the location in which a doctoral student will receive accommodation.
Can I attend the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at the University of Gdansk if I live in Gdansk? Is it possible to attend online?
No. According to the latest ordinance of the Rector, the University is going back to stationary classes. This means that classes will be taught in classrooms and your presence in Warsaw is necessary.
I am changing my surname in July. Can I change it in the IRK system after the recruitment is closed?
There will be an opportunity to do it while submitting the documents after admission to the Doctoral School.
Do footnotes in the project description count towards the character limit?
Yes, footnotes are included in the limit.