For First Year Doctoral Students

Dear First Year Doctoral Students,
Congratulations on becoming doctoral students of the Doctoral Schools at the University of Warsaw! The inauguration of the academic year at the Doctoral Schools will be held online during the first days of October. You will soon receive detailed information regarding the events.
With regard to the beginning of your education it is necessary to carry out some formalities (please find the details below). Please arrange a visit at the Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office (not sooner than 29th Sep) using an online reservation system (version for doctoral students of Exact and Natural Sciences) (version for all the other doctoral students).
Application for scholarship
In order to receive the scholarship it is necessary for you to provide the secretary’s office with some data (e.g. your Polish account number). All the firts year doctoral students are kindly asked to fill out the FORM until 27.09.2020 at 23.59 (Sunday).
During your visit at the secretary’s office you will sign the application forms thus certifying that the data are complete and accurate (the application forms will be printed out from the system by the officers).
The scholarship for the first two months is planned to be paid out on 17.11.2020.
Notice! Due to the technical requirements of the UW financial system you are asked to fill out the data in the application form regarding the tax office that is proper to your address of residence. There are no tax deductions from the scholarships and you will not receive from UW the Personal Income Tax forms on this basis.
Notice! Doctoral students who will not fill out the online form will have to fill out the paper version in the secretary’s office.
We are making every effort to make your PhD Students’ ID cards ready for collection as soon as possible. However, it is not within our control. Although we hope the ID cards will be ready on 29.09.2020, please bear with us if there are any delays. The ID cards for all the new students and doctoral students are being printed now and it certainly must take some time to finalize the process.
As a researcher you need to have an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). ORCID allows you to be identified, e.g. in the case of scientific publications. Please generate your number at: Please follow the link for instructions and the declaration form (DOWNLOAD). You must fill out the ORCID declaration form, print it out, sign and submit it by 31.10.2020 to the Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office.
Email address registered in the domain
We kindly ask you to create an email account in the domain as soon as possible. Without such an email address it will not be possible for you to access the online courses. You may set your account here. People who already have an address in the domain and want to be in the domain should visit the website
Employment as an academic teacher or researcher
We would like to kindly remind you that in accordance with the act of 20 July 2018 – the Law on Higher Education and Science a doctoral student may not be employed as an academic teacher or researcher. Please read the statment regarding the above mentioned issue carefully . During your visit to the secretary office you will be asked to sign the document.
The Doctoral Schools administrative staff are currently entering your data into the USOS system. If you do not have PESEL number you will receive soon an e-mail with your new password and PESEL.
In case of any problems with logging into USOSweb, please contact Mrs Izabela Pawłowska –
In order to access USOSweb please follow the LINK.
ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) declarations
Doctoral student scholarships are subject to contributions. During a visit at the Doctoral Schools Secretary’s Office you will be asked to sign ZUS declarations.
The oath
Confirming taking the oath in writing is a precondition for starting education at the doctoral school (an appropriate form will be available at the secretary office).
I solemnly swear that I will constantly strive to acquire knowledge and develop my personality, respect academic laws and customs and show consideration for the dignity and honour of the student of the University of Warsaw in all my conduct.
The doctoral student shall confirm taking the oath in writing until the end of October 2020. In the event of failure to take the oath the doctoral student may be removed from the list of doctoral students.
Medical Examination
In accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation (Official Journal of Laws of 2019, item 141) doctoral students of the doctoral schools shall undergo periodic medical examination.
For that purpose you should:
1. Collect the referral for medical examination at the Doctoral School Secretary’s Office (general one and the test for tuberculosis).
2. Make an appointment with your supervisor in order to obtain the list of factors harmful to your health on your referral.
3. Schedule a visit at Centermed (a health centre).
4. Submit a certificate issued by a Centermed doctor to the Doctoral School Secretary’s Office and present it at the faculty, if it is required to get access to the laboratories.
Details about winter semester are published HERE.
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