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Doctoral School of Social Sciences

Research projects – competitions

In the following section we will publish information about the current calls for PhD students in research projects that are available to PhD students representing scientific disciplines assigned to our Doctoral School.

Important notice for our candidates: positive result in the call is not equivalent to the recruitment to the Doctoral School! These are separate processes!


  1. Psychology (additional discipline: Mathematics/Computer Science/Philosophy):
  • Developmentally informed agent-based modeling of symbolic constraints in interaction – research project OPUS – prof. dr hab. Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi – LINK

2. Law

  • International economic law in the era of digital transition: trends, regulatory models, and specific solutions concerning e-commerce and data – research project OPUS – dr hab. Magdalena Słok-Wódkowska LINK

3. Economics and finance

  • Globalisation- and Technology-Driven Labour Market Change and Fertility – ERC Consolidator Grant – dr hab. Anna Matysiak, prof. UW – LINK

Dear Sir or Madam,

we encourage you to read the information about the competition for the position of a scholarship holder in the NCN grant The role of institutions for health, attitudes and behaviours in later life

Information about the competition EN