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Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Społecznych

4EU+conference: Migration within the EU Context seen through a Multi-disciplinary and Plurilinguistic view

The conference is primarily for doctorate and masters’ students. It is a great opportunity to meet other like-minded young researchers and establish new friendships across different disciplines and countries. The purpose of the Conference is to analyse and deepen the understanding of migration as a phenomenon from a legal, linguistic and sociological view. The conference will be multidisciplinary and feature keynote speakers from different fields of expertise.

The conference will be held at Charles University (Faculty of Law) in Prague, Czech Republic on September 11th and 12th.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by the members of the scientific committee and the authors will be given feedback to their writing. After the conference, presented papers will be published in a curated monography. 

Important dates

  • Abstract submission by May 31st 2023
  • Notification of acceptance by June 10th 2023
  • First draft submission by September 7th 2023

Participation at this conference does not require the payment of any participation fee.

Find out more: [LINK]